
понедельник, 21 октября 2013 г.

Будни подружек английских бойфрендов: Миранда Керр и Флинн в Нью-Йорке, Роуз Хантингтон-Уайтли прилетела в Лос-Анджелес, 18-20.10.2013


Ох и деловые, в хорошем смысле этого слова, наши дамы: Миранда Керр и Роуз Хантингтон-Уайтли. Роуз, презентовав свою новую коллекцию белья для сна в Лондоне, побывав на торжественном ужине в ее честь в честь бренда Marks & Spencer, 18 октября 2013 года приземлилась в аэропорту Лос-Анджелеса. Как всегда элегантная и стильная Роуз продефилировала  по зданию аэропорта, заставив многих сворачивать шею, чтобы полюбоваться ею вслед. Миранда Керр и Флинн поражают нью-йоркцев своим городским стилем. Теперь они, Орландо, Миранда и Флинн, уже надолго поселились в городе Большого Яблока, и не только потому, что здесь играет на Бродвее Орландо Блум, но еще и из-за того, что Нью-Йорк - это мировая столица моды. 18 октября Миранда и Флинн вместе сходили на студию, как говорится, на мамину работу посмотреть. 20 октября папарацци застали вот такой милый момент - мамины поцелуйчики с сынулей. 




Rosie Hungtington Whiteley arrives at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport)


В Сохо, Нью-Йорк, 18.10.2013

The doting mother was also spotted Friday in New York with her son, who stole the show in chartreuse pants, a striped top and orange and neon green trainers. The family has been staying in New York while Orlando stars on Broadway in Romeo and Juliet at the Richard Rodgers Theatre. Miranda is also rumoured to be following in her husband's footsteps and hoping to transition from the catwalk to the screen.

20.10.2013 - С Флинном в Нью-Йорке

There is no denying the love Miranda Kerr has for her little boy Flynn. But just in case there was ever any doubt, their public display of affection on the streets of New York on Sunday would be enough to make even the coldest hearts melt. Victoria's Secret model Miranda, 30, was spotted cradling her two-year-old son in her arms, whilst planting a gentle peck on his lips during their outing together in the Big Apple.

Sydney-born Miranda was dressed in an elegant blue maxi dress, printed with different sized pale blue flowers. She teamed the ensemble with a pair of leather T-bar sandals, a pair of oversized aviator shades, diamond stud earrings and a black leather handbag. The supermodel fixed her brunette locks back into a loose plait whilst her skin looked suitably sun-kissed and glowing.

Little Flynn was dressed up in a pair on on-trend neon New Balance trainers, stripy socks, denim jeans, a camouflage jumper and a grey flat cap. The adorable son of actor Orlando Bloom, 36, could not stop giggling with his mum, who does not spend more than a week apart from him at any one time. In her latest swimsuit-clad Twitter photograph, Miranda reveals more than just her fantastic figure whilst sharing her thoughts on what makes her happy. The 30-year-old posted an image of herself at the beach on Sunday to her Instagram page, in which she forms a heart with her hands while wearing an animal print string two-piece.

Heart in her hands: Miranda Kerr shared a snap of herself on Sunday wearing an animal print bikini at the beach

'To love and be loved is one of the greatest gifts in the world,' she wrote as a caption to go alongside the photo. The model mother shared another swimsuit shot shortly after in which she can be seen in a black bikini top and a long black skirt. Earlier on Sunday, she had showed off an image of herself and her tired two-year-old son Flynn.

'There is nothing greater than a mother's love,' she wrote with the photo of her and the tot, whose father is her husband Orlando Bloom. The Aussie stunner frequently puts images on her social media accounts. She teased her fans on Friday with a picture of her super small waist in a form-fitting dress, while the accompanying caption simply said 'secret project.'

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