
вторник, 22 октября 2013 г.

Бенедикт Камбербэтч и Кира Найтли на съемках фильма" Игра в имитацию" в Лондоне, 20.10.2013

20 октября 2013 года, вокзал Кингс-Кросс в Лондоне. Ветреное и влажное воскресенье. Съемки фильма "Игра в имитацию" с Бенедиктом Камбербэтчем и Кирой Найтли. Полная аутентичность образов 40-х годов прошлого столетия. Бенедикт играет гения разведки и дешифровки Алана Тьюринга - человека, ответственного за расшифровку кода Enigma нацистской Германии во время Второй мировой войны. Но даже это не спасло Тьюринга от обвинений в гомосексуализме, после подтверждения отношений с 19-летним Арнольдом Мюрреем.. В Великобритании гомосексуализм был запрещен до 1967 года. В 1952 году Тьюрингу было предъявлено обвинение и наказание - тюрьма или химическая кастрация. Алан выбрал второе. В 1954 году он был найден мертвым у себя дома. Не выдержав всеобщего осуждения, великий дешифровальщик отравился цианистым калием. Производство стартовало 15 сентября и будет включать в себя различные места по всей Англии, среди них Блетчли-парк, где Тьюринг работал в течение всей войны, Бакингемшир, город Чесхэм (Chesham) и аэродром Bicester в Оксфордшире.


Benedict Cumbatch and Keira Knightley film a scene for forthcoming film The Imitation game at Kings Cross station in London on Sunday

Stepping into his shoes: Benedict Cumberbatch (L) plays celebrated mathematician Alan Turing (R) in forthcoming film The Imitation Game

Входя в образ: Бенедикт Камбербэтч (слева) играет блистательного математика Алана Тьюринга (справа) в предстоящем фильме "Игра в имитацию"

Cracking the code: Benedict Cumberbatch shoots scenes for WW2 drama The Imitation Game with 'love interest' Keira Knightley at a transformed King's Cross 

It was a very different Benedict Cumberbatch who marched across a very unfamiliar looking King's Cross station on Sunday. 

The 37-year-old actor was filming scenes for forthcoming historical drama The Imitation Game, in which he plays celebrated mathematician Alan Turing – the man responsible for cracking Nazi Germany’s Enigma Code during World War II. Cumberbatch was joined on set by Keira Knightley – love interest Joan Clarke in the new film – and the pair were spotted strolling across King's Cross during a break between scenes. 

Their small portion of the sprawling Victorian station had been given a 1940s makeover in keeping with the biopic’s historical context, with props coming in the form of old fashioned luggage cases and leather trunks.

Extras dressed as returning soldiers and old fashioned police officers added further authenticity to the set, which had been created specifically for an exterior scene featuring the film’s two stars. As the crew prepared for another take on a wet and windy day in London, Keira stood with her arms tightly folded while she passed the time with members of the yellow jacketed production team.

Billed as a nail-biting race against time during the darkest days of the Second World War, The Imitation Game will also star mark Strong, Rory Kinnear and Charles Dance. Its arrival follows a lengthy pre-production during which the Graham Moore penned screenplay – based on Andrew Hodges’ biography, Alan Turing: The Enigma – was rated best unproduced script in Hollywood by Black List in 2011. 

The production kicked off on September 15 and will include various locations across England, amongst them Bletchley Park, where Turing worked throughout the war, Buckinghamshire town Chesham and Bicester Airfield in Oxfordshire. 

Despite his success in cracking the Enigma Code Turing was later charged with homosexuality - illegal in the UK until 1967 – after acknowledging a relationship with 19-year-old Arnold Murray. 
Following his guilty plea at subsequent trial Turing was given the choice of imprisonment or hormone treatment to eradicate his sexual urges. The mathematician and cryptanalyst was found dead by his cleaner in 1954, two-years after he opted for the latter. A post-mortem examination later revealed the cause of death to be cyanide poisoning. Turing's life has previously been documented in TV show Britain's Greatest Codebreaker, with Ed Stoppard taking the lead role.
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