
понедельник, 11 ноября 2013 г.

Театральная жизнь: Орландо Блум - встречи за сценой и после спектакля "Ромео и Джульетта" и Джуд Лоу на репетиции "Генриха V"


(ДОБАВЛЕН Trailer Full HD - HENRY V starring JUDE LAW) Не зарастает народная тропа к театру Richard Rodgers Theate на Бродвее в Нью-Йорке, где Орландо Блум играет в постановке "Ромео и Джульетта". 09 ноября за кулисы пришла Джоан Риверс, чтобы поприветствовать  молодого начинающего театрального актера Орландо. Они даже устроили шуточный перфоманс с табличками, где Джоан написала, что она и есть настоящая Джульетта. И, конечно же, толпы фанатов, желающие получить автограф от актера на память после спектакля, ожидали Блума 10 ноября у центрального входа в театр. В Лондоне готовится революционный проект нового сезона театра Noel. Режиссер Майкл Грандаж (Grandage) собрал вместе Саймона Рассела Била, Джуди Денч, Джуда Лоу, Дэниела Рэдклиффа, Шеридан Смит, Дэвида Уильямса и Бена Уишоу для 5-и спектаклей. Революционный подход к промо состоит в том, что в зрительном зале будут 200 мест, стоимость которых  всего лишь 10£. Джуд Лоу сыграет в спектакле "Генрих V". Уже начались репетиции. Пьеса с участием Джуда Лоу начнется с 23 ноября 2013 года и продлится до 15 февраля 2014 года. $CUT$


Jude jumps at Henry V

As soon as Jude Law ended his run in London and New York in the Donmar West End’s production of Hamlet, he and Michael Grandage started talking about what the actor wanted to do next. It’s Henry V, and it marks the final production of Grandage’s first season. 

It’s early days, because it won’t hit the Noel Coward’s stage until November 23, 2013, and will run until February 15, 2014.  ‘We agreed we needed to do Henry relatively soon, because it’s about the youthful vigour Jude still has,’ said Grandage. He believes Jude’s performance in Anna Christie at the Donmar ‘consolidated his reputation as one of our most serious actors’ — and I agree. My sense is that Jude will deliver a blockbuster turn as Henry V.

Award-winning director Michael Grandage has assembled a who’s who of British actors to launch the revolutionary first season of his new West End theatre company.

Simon Russell Beale, Judi Dench, Jude Law, Daniel Radcliffe, Sheridan Smith, David Walliams and Ben Whishaw will star in five plays (each running for 12 weeks) that Grandage will direct at the Noel Coward Theatre from December 1 — and which audiences can watch for as little as £10 a show.

Every performance of every production of The Michael Grandage Company will feature 200 seats for a tenner. 

So for just £50, some lucky theatre goer will be able to watch Simon Russell Beale in Privates On Parade; Judi Dench in an extraordinary new work by John Logan (who wrote the hit play Red) about the real-life inspirations behind Alice In Wonderland and Peter Pan; Daniel Radcliffe in The Cripple Of Inishmaan; Sheridan Smith and David Walliams in A Midsummer Night’s Dream; and Jude Law as warrior king Henry V.

HENRY V starring JUDE LAW: Trailer Full HD





Orlando Bloom greets his admirer Joan Rivers backstage following a performance of his Broadway production of Romeo and Juliet on Saturday evening (November 9) at the Richard Rodgers Theater in New York City.

The 36-year-old actor joked around with Joan, who carried a sign saying "Where for art thou Orlando? I’m the original Juliet (I had to let the costume out. So what! More to love).” Lol!

Earlier in the month, Joan stood outside the theater and held up a sign saying "Welcome Orlando to the Hood!” along with a cake in hand.

Orly responded by holding up a sign a few nights later saying "Thanks for the warm welcome Joan, darling. Come see me on Broadway!” with a cake of his own. Check out both of those pics below as well! 


Orlando Bloom leaves his Broadway show, 10.11.2013


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