
среда, 4 декабря 2013 г.

Джуд Лоу на вечеринке после предпоказа "Генриха V" в Лондоне, 03.12.2013 + кадры из спектакля

Классическая постановка Шекспира, лондонский театр Noel Coward в Вест-Эндеаутентичные костюмы, восторженные отзывы от прессы и режиссера Michael Grandage - все это получил в один день Джуд Лоу за свою роль Генриха V во вторник, 03 декабря 2013 года. Театральные критики милостиво ставили 4 звезды спектаклю и работе Джуда Лоу. Но в каждой бочке меда, есть ложка дегтя. Почти все они (критики) упомянули залысины 40-летнего актера, чем. наверное, немало огорчили Джуда. Хотя, тут же они не преминули сказать, что плотная и приземистая фигура, залысины и мешки под глазами, как никогда показали и полностью раскрыли  образ короля-воина. После предпоказа спектакля "Генриха V" для лондонской прессы, состоялась вечеринка по этому поводу для всего каста. На ней присутствовал и Джуд Лоу, уставший, но довольный дебютом в этой непростой пьесе Уильяма Шекспира. Фото с вечеринки,. а так же кадры спектакля смотрите под катом


Celebrating: Jude Law and co-star Jessie Buckley looked in good spirits at the after party following the Henry V press night

Not so good: But Jude is unlikely to be happy with the fact that the majority of the critics commented on his receding hairline in their reviews

Celebrations: The cast and crew posed up for photographers after the show

Cast of Henry V including Fred Lancaster, Maddie Rice, Ben Lloyd-Hughes, Ashley Zhangazha, Jessie Buckley, Noma Dumezweni, Ron Cook, Harry Attwell, Jude Law, Richard Clifford, James Laurenson, Christopher Heyward, Prasanna Puwanarajah and Matt Ryan attend an after party following the press night performance of 'Henry V' at The National Cafe on December 3, 2013 in London, England.

It's a daunting prospect for any actor - taking on one of William Shakespeare's most famous dramatic roles. 
But Jude Law needn't have worried, as his portrayal of Henry V earned him rave reviews on the press night of Michael Grandage's production at the Noel Coward theatre in London's West End on Tuesday evening. The 40-year-old star was praised widely for his take on the king, with critics commenting on his star quality in the title role. 

However, something Law may not be so happy about is that three of the main five reviewers mentioned his receding hairline. Despite that fact, the father-of-two appeared in good spirits as he attended the afterparty following the press night with his castmates. 

The Daily Mail's Quentin Letts praised Law's 'magnetism' and gave the play four stars, writing: 'He is fit enough physically to wear period battledress without looking silly. He glowers beautifully, even if he resembles a slimmed-down Phil Collins.'

Dominic Maxwell in The Times also gave the play four stars and said Law's performance 'tests yet ultimately reinforces his star power'.

The Daily Telegraph's Charles Spencer awarded the play five stars and hailed Law's ;terrific star performance'.

He said it was 'one of the richest and most detailed performances in the role of Henry V that I have ever seen' in 'a production of rare distinction and dramatic depth'

Michael Billington in The Guardian gave the play four stars and said it was 'a fine portrait of a flawed hero' and Law was 'maturing with age'.

The Independent's Paul Taylor said Law was 'looking a bit lived-in for the warrior monarch' but 'cuts a commanding figure'.

Giving the play four stars, he said Law 'vividly blends the kind of natural charisma that can rouse tired troops with a brooding spiritual uneasiness that has its affinities with Hamlet'. Law played Hamlet four years ago in a critically-acclaimed and commercially-successful production that moved from the West End to Broadway.

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