
среда, 29 января 2014 г.

Эндрю Гарфилд прилетел в Лос-Анджелес, Джерард Батлер флиртует с дамами в Малибу, Бенедикт Камбербэтч сходил с другом в кино в Голливуде, 27-28.01.2014


Наши бритиши продолжают тусоваться в Калифорнии перед Оскаром. 27 января 2014 года в аэропорту LAX был замечен человек-паук Эндрю Гарфилд с огромными чемоданами. Фанаты и последователи были просто в восторге от того, что Эндрю проявил к ним внимание. Особенно повезло пацану в свитере от Спайдермена. Бенедикт Камбербэтч, соблюдая все правила маскировки, сходил с другом в кино "Волк с Уолл-стрит" 28 янаваря в Голливуде. Надвинутая на глаза кепка, очки в тяжелой оправе должны были полностью преобразить Бенедикта, но Голливуд так просто не проведешь! Джерард Батлер устроил легкий флирт с фанатками на автостоянке в Малибу в этот же день. Девушки сами загнали его в угол, так что ничего не поделаешь, если он продемонстрировал альфа-самца, когда они уже повернулись к нему спиной. Ой, да ладно! Нормальная мужская реакция на 5 точку привлекательной женщины...


Andrew Garfield is seen at LAX airport


Elementary disguise, Sherlock: British actor Benedict Cumberbatch goes incognito in thick-rimmed glasses for trip to cinema

He’s the object of many women’s affection, with his tall, dark and handsome nature, but Benedict Cumberbatch decided to dodge his fans by going to the cinema incognito on Tuesday.
The star was spotted leaving the Arclight cinema in Hollywood with a male friend having watched a showing of Wolf of Wall Street. Wearing thick-rimmed glasses and a baker-boy cap the star looked almost unrecognisable as he slinked out of the movie theatre.

But it seems, although he is now an A-list star, hunky Benedict is just like any normal person visiting the cinema as he was clutching a pot of popcorn – a snack of choice for many at the pictures. The star is usually seen dressed up in suits and ties, but he chose to go for a more casual look on Tuesday evening in a checked shirt unbuttoned to the chest. He wrapped up in a black cardigan and wore black denim jeans and casual pale blue shoes for the event.




What The Butler Saw! Hunky Gerard flirts with fans at a market in Malibu looking as if he wished they had hung around longer

He only recently returned from a charitable mission to Africa working as a volunteer, but it looks like Gerard Butler was up for having fun on Tuesday when he flirted with some fans at a market in Malibu.

The stocky 44-year-old was clearly on downtime when the ladies cornered him at the car park, wearing a grey polo shirt, a pair of black Adidas track pants and a pair of bright turquoise trainers. He seemed more than happy to be recognised and pose for photos with the pair as they left he almost looked as if he would have preferred that they stayed around longer.

he Scottish star has obviously been a busy boy of late working as an actor and a producer, so much so that he hasn't even had time to update his Twitter since last November. 

If the Hollywood rumour mill is anything to go by, Gerard certainly possesses the perfect credentials to play the lead in the remake of the classic Point Break film. The towering Scotsman is in talks to play Bodhi, an expert extreme-sports athlete and bank robber – a role originally played by Patrick Swayze in Kathryn Bigelow’s 1991 movie. According to entertainment website The Hollywood Reporter, the 44-year-old star is poised to sign on the dotted line.

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