
среда, 22 января 2014 г.

Бенедикт Камбербэтч принял участие в зимнем пресс-туре ТСА и презентовал 3 сезон "Шерлока" в Пасадене, Калифорния, 20.01.2014

Бенедикт Камбербэтч и Аманда Аббингтон приняли участие в зимнем пресс-туре Ассоциации телевизионных критиков (ТСА), которая устраивается группой из 200 американских и канадских журналистов и обозревателей, работающих на телевидении. Такие пресс-туры проходят дважды в год, в январе и июле в Пасадене, штат Калифорния. Бенедикт и Аманда представили 3 сезон сериала "Шерлок" в отеле Langham 20 января 2014 года. Камбербэтч со сцены панели извинился перед своими поклонницами ("Cumberbitches"), которые ждали его автографы у стен отеля, но он не смог ко всем подойти ибо опаздывал на пресс-конференцию. Еще он рассказал о том, что до сих пор ездит в общественном транспорте, сам ходит за продуктами и очень трепетно относится к своему уединению. Бенедикт рассказал о том, как в первый раз он почувствовал себя знаменитым. Дело происходило в супермаркете и продавец просто впал в ступор. "Я не мог полчаса купить себе курицу." - рассказал английский актер. 


(L-R) Series Executive Producer Rebecca Eaton, actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Amanda Abbington and Co-Creator/Writer and Executive Producer Steven Moffat and Executive Producer Sue Vertue speak onstage during the 'Masterpiece/Sherlock, Season 3' panel discussion at the PBS portion of the 2014 Winter Television Critics Association tour at Langham Hotel on January 20, 2014 in Pasadena, California.




Benedict Cumberbatch on fans, grocery shopping, and how long he’ll play Sherlock

Benedict Cumberbatch returns as Sherlock Homes on PBS Season 3.

PASADENA, CALIF.—As if you didn’t like him enough already, Benedict Cumberbatch takes public transit. 

He also says he does his own shopping and doesn’t have “minions” to do his bidding. He was also apologetic to fans — derogatorily called “Cumberbitches” by some — who had staked out the Langham Huntington hotel in Pasadena waiting for an autograph. He told television critics that he “felt guilty” because he had to run past them because he was late for his panel. “The attention is kind and extraordinary and a little bit unnerving. They are supportive, loyal and by and large intelligent, and some of them normal,” he said. “I really get a kick out of it.”

Before Cumberbatch became the global heartthrob he is today – with breakout roles as Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness, or as WikiLeaks founder The Fifth EstateJulian Assange in The Fifth Estate, or even as Smaug/the Necromancer in the Hobbit franchise – he was known as Sherlock Holmes on PBS’s Masterpiece. An adored cult figure, but nothing close to the hysteria that surrounds him now. Cumberbatch said he first realized the power of fame when he went food shopping and the clerk seemed to be in shock at seeing him. “I didn’t get my chicken for half an hour.”

Despite the hype, Cumberbatch said he enjoys his time away from the spotlight.
“I value my privacy, my quiet time, space to think on my own and not be too self-conscious,” he said. “But people have been respectful.”

And he says that he also gets tongue-tied when he sees actors he admires.
“I still get completely star-struck,” he said after meeting Harrison Ford and Bryan Cranston. “I had a complete meltdown.”

Season three of Sherlock, which is a modern-day twist on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes character, aired in North America on Sunday. It drew almost 4 million viewers, up 25 per cent from those who tuned in for the season-two premiere in 2012.

But with the increased demands on Cumberbatch’s time, particularly in film, the question is whether he can continue to play the role. The actor says he has no problem with playing the iconic detective as long as people continue watching. But the reality, says Sherlock co-creator Steven Moffat, is that the show “will continue until Benedict gets too famous.”
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