
вторник, 15 апреля 2014 г.

"Звездная карта" (Maps to the Stars): Два новых тизер-трейлера с Робертом Паттинсоном

Чуть больше месяца осталось до канского кинофестиваля во Франции и многие с нетерпением ждут, когда мэтры кинематографа начнут знакомить со своими работами зрителей и почитателей их таланта. Первая ласточка - официальный тизер трейлера фильма Дэвида Кроненберга "Звездная карта" (Maps to the Stars) с Робертом Паттинсоном. Для многих людей слово Голливуд ассоциируется с блеском и богатством, славой и американской мечтой, но что бывает, когда ты попадаешь в эту систему? Становишься винтиком или тебя перемалывают жернова киноиндустрии в мелкую звездную пыль? Как остаться человеком и не потерять себя, свою семью, смысл жизни... Кроненберг, как всегда, не дает ответа на эти вопросы, каждый сам выбирает свою дорогу... Целых два тизер-трейлера, скринкапсы к ним, постер и GIF-анимацию смотрим под катом







Julianne Moore and Robert Pattinson turn up the heat during limo sex scene in Maps To The Stars trailer

He plays a Hollywood limo driver in Maps To The Stars.
But it appears that for Robert Pattinson at least there are some unexpected perks to the job.
In the official trailer for the film the 27-year-old engages in a steamy sex scene in the back of his limo with none other than Julianne Moore.

Moore, 53, can be seen in the raunchy clip on all fours as she and Pattinson fog up the windows.
The film directed by David Cronenberg follows Moore's character of Havana as she hires a new assistant named Agatha, who claims to have survived a severe burn accident.
The admission resonates with Havana as her own movie star mother died in a fire.

But we soon learn that not everything is right in Tinseltown.
Agatha, played by Mia Wasikowska, it turns out was just released from a sanatorium where she was treated for criminal pyromania.
And she appears to become a threat to both Havana and everyone in her circle of friends and family. 

The film promises to live up to Cronenberg's reputation for provocative storylines and racy sex scenes as another clip features Moore topless in a lesbian sex scene.
The film centres on the trappings of Hollywood, and it only makes sense that it would be filmed in Hollywood itself.
Which is exactly what esteemed director David Cronenberg did for the first time ever in his career.

The independent movie was stuck in development for around six years, but finally got the green light and began production last July.
This is the second time Robert is working with director David Cronenberg having previously starred in his film Cosmpolis in 2012.
Maps To the Stars is expected to be released in 2014.


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