
среда, 7 мая 2014 г.

Том Хиддлстон, Чарли Ханнэм, Джессика Честейн и Миа Васиковска на съемках фильма "Багровый Пик" (Crimson Peak) в Гамильтоне, Канада, 06.05.2014

06 мая 2014 года в Канаде, в городе Гамильтон выдался солнечный денек и режиссер Гильермо дель Торо решил снимать натурные сцены на природе. Том Хиддлстон во всем черном, Джесскиа Честейн тоже в черном, Чарли Ханнэм и Миа Васиковска снимали сцены пикника у замка Dundurn Castle. Мирная, идеальная картинка дружеской посиделки никак не соответствует взрослому рейтингу фильма "Багровый Пик" (Crimson Peak). Гильермо дель Торо обрадовал фанатов, что картина будет для взрослых и ей присвоен рейтинг R. Чего там будет больше, ужастиков или любовных сцен, покажет время, а сейчас вместе с актерами наслаждаемся весенним ветерком и солнышком





Tom Hiddleston, Jessica Chastain Charlie Hunnam and Mia Wasikowska film scenes for Guillermo del Toro’s new movie ‘Crimson Peak’ on May 6, 2014. The cast, on location at Dundurn Castle in Hamilton, seemed to be having a fun day shooting together. Jessica Chastain and Tom Hiddleston were fake fighting each other while Mia and Charlie spent the day lying on a blanket together





Mia is part of an A-List cast that includes Sons Of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam, Thor's Tom Hiddleston and Oscar-nominee Jessica Chastain in what the director has called a very 'adult movie'. 
The blonde Australian actress didn't let the grim tone of the film get her down though, as she was spotted grinning and laughing with cast mates on Tuesday. Wearing all-black, Chastain was also giggling on set and even high-fiving a young extra.

Fan favourite Hiddleston looked like a cool customer as he lounged in the sun on a deck chair with vintage shades, while Chastain held an umbrella by his side. The latest movie from from Pacific Rim director Guillermo del Toro, the Spanish filmmaker said it is a 'much smaller movie' than his previous efforts. 'It’s an adult movie, an R-rated movie, pretty adult,' he told Shock Till You Drop.

'This movie’s tone is scary and it’s the first time I get to do a movie more akin to what I do in the Spanish movies. 'You’re in this sort of sedate romance and then there is this brutal moment where you’re like, “Whoa!”  and it has a lot of kinky moments. 'The only kinky moment I’ve ever shot is... in The Devil’s Backbone. This has a little more kinkiness than that.

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