
четверг, 31 июля 2014 г.

Чарли Ханнэм на съемках в Лос-Анджелесе, Том Харди и Дэмиан Льюис снимаются в Лондоне, 28-29.07.2014


Король, ганстер и байкер. Вот такой разброс ролей у британских актеров. Чарли Ханнэм продолжает сниматься в последнем сезоне сериала "Сыны анархии" (Sons of Anarchy). 28 июля 2014 года папарацци застали его в хорошем настроении на съемочной площадке в Лос-Анджелесе. Том Харди продолжает экспериментировать с раздвоением личности у себя, играя братьев-близнецов Крей в фильме "Легенды" (Legend). В этот же день в Лондоне Том окуривал себя сигаретным дымом (сгущеного молока актеру за вредную работу :) Правда, на этот раз близнеца играл двойник Тома, с фиксирующими точками на лице. Потом эти сцены  драки на ножах между бандами будут сниматься на зеленом кране. Дэмиан Льюис, отказавшись сниматься в 3 сезоне сериала "Родина", сейчас активно работает над другим проектом. 29 июля он был в одежде 16 века, главной достопримечательностью которой является гульфик на штанах, который так и выпирал из-под камзола. Дэмиан играет в историческом сериале "Wolf Hall" короля Генриха VIII. Кампания  BBC снимает новую серию в Оксфордшире, Англия. 


28.07.2014 - На съемках в Лондоне

Not such a Hard(y) man! Tom watches on as his stunt double shoots fight scene for Krays twins biopic Legend

He has taken on the mammoth task of portraying both of the Kray twins in his new film, Legend.
But Tom Hardy received a helping hand with his roles as he let his skilled stunt double, Jacob Tomuri, do some of the more tasking work on Monday afternoon.
The star watched on as Tomuri filmed a scene which saw him chase a maltese gang out of the local pub.

The action included a hint of the violence to come from the film about notorious gang leader brother, Ronnie and Reggie, as Tomuri was then seen slashing the maltese gang leader in the face with a sword.

Jacob was smartly dressed in the Kray’s preferred attire as he sported a navy waistcoat, green tie, a crisp white shirt and navy trousers.
The leader of a Maltese gang, played by UK cage fighter, Mark "The Beast" Epstein, is chased down an alley by sword wielding Kray Twins on the set of "Legend", in Hackney.

The scene is set in 1957 when the Kray twins, both played by Tom Hardy, chase the gang out of The Regal Billiards Hall in Eric St after throwing in a box of fireworks.
Tom Hardy's double has dots on his face so that it will seem that the twins are running together, using a green screen for the special effect.
Once the sequence was done, Tom then stepped in to film the close up shoots before production moved on to another scene.


29.07.2014 - Съемки в Оксфордшире

Damian Lewis transforms into King Henry VII in an eye-catching Tudor costume as he films BBC drama Wolf Hall

He rarely plays roles which require such vibrant attire.
But Damian Lewis certainly stood out from the crowd as he continued work on his new BBC series, Wolf Hall.
The Homeland actor portrays King Henry VIII in the period drama and was seen in character as he filmed alongside his co-stars in Oxfordshire on Tuesday.

The 43-year-old certainly looked regal in his attire as he got into character for the show which is based on the award-winning historical novel of the same name.

Damian was dressed in an extravagant mustard ensemble teamed with black knee length boots.
The crew were set up at Chastleton House, a Jacobean country house that was built between 1607 and 1612.


28.07.2014 - Съемки в Лос-Анджелесе



Charlie Hunnam spotted on the set of 'Sons Of Anarchy' at the LA Zoo in Los Angeles, California on July 28, 2014

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