
среда, 16 июля 2014 г.

ВЕСЬ МИР ТЕАТР: Мартин Фриман на премьере спектакля "Ричард III" в Trafalgar Studios в театре One Whitehall Place в Лондоне, 09.07.2014.

Мартина Фримана мы знаем по роли хоббита Бильбо Баггинса, по роли Доктора Ватсона в сериале "Шерлок" и по роли Лестера Нейгаарда в сериале "Фарго", но ведь англичанин еще и театральный актер! 09 июля 2014 года в Лондоне в студии Trafalgar в театре One Whitehall Place прошла премьера его спектакля "Ричард III" (Richard III), где он играл главную роль. Эта шекспировская пьеса была адаптирована к современной жизни молодым режиссером Джейми Ллойдом (Jamie Lloyd) в основном для молодой аудитории. Как говорили сами актеры: "Только настоящие театралы - очень образованные, очень умные способны стойко выслушивать "скучные места" ради целостности творений Шекспира". Для нынешней молодежи сделано исключение - мастерски сокращены монологи, чтобы она смогла насладиться пьесой, хоть и в таком урезанном виде. После самого спектакля состоялась небольшая вечеринка для артистов театра и приглашенных гостей. Мартина поддержать пришла его жена и коллега Аманда Аббингтон и их сыновья. Спектакль будет идти три месяца. Будете в Лондоне, загляните на огонек к Мартину Фриману...




First look at Martin Freeman in Richard III - The first production of the second Trafalgar Transformed season opens on Wednesday (07.09.2014)

He's worked in an office, portrayed a hobbit and is currently winning rave reviews for his performance as a hapless criminal in the TV show Fargo. But Martin Freeman made his debut as a completely different character, treading the West End boards as the titular character in Richard III on Wednesday night. The actor and his castmates were on hand for a gala night performance of their stage production, which will run for three months at the Trafalgar Studios, at One Whitehall Place.

Martin recently fanned the flames of controversy when he said that the works of William Shakespeare need the ‘boring bits’ cut out so younger audiences can enjoy it.The Hobbit star said the Bard’s plays can be tedious and hit out at the ‘conspiracy of silence’ that makes it difficult for people to criticise them. ‘Very educated, very smart, very theatre-literate people’ tolerate the ‘boring  passages’ without saying anything, he said.

Speaking to The Andrew Marr Show he said he was ‘hellbent’ on bringing in a younger audience to see his new production of Richard III – which has updated the tale of court intrigue into an ‘imaginary dystopia’ – and thinks chopping out sections will help with that. Talking about the play Martin said: 'I think Jamie’s [Lloyd, director] cut the play very judiciously and very well because I think something there can often be a slight conspiracy of silence around people going to see Shakespeare.

‘Among very educated, very smart, very theatre literate people who sort of tolerate the boring bits and boring passages without telling anybody and tolerate the bits of the play where they think, “I don’t know who she is” and “who’s he talking to” without saying so because that would sort of be a black mark against them.’


The bearded screen star was accompanied by his actress partner Amanda Abbington, with whom he shares two children (Tom Sargent and Ross Marron ).

Dapper: Martin poses with the play's director, Jamie Lloyd

Laruen plays Lady Anne in the production, while Gina portrays Queen Elizabeth

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