
понедельник, 25 августа 2014 г.

А если это любовь? - Джерард Батлер сделал эротический массаж неизвестной блондинке на автостоянке в Малибу, 24.08.2014

Уже не в первый раз в Калифорнии делают "эротическую фотосессию" с участием неизвестной блондинки и Джерарда Батлера. Почти месяц назад, 27 июля 2014 года, Батлер целовал, судя по всему, ту же самую барышню около небольшого ресторанчика в Малибу. Океан, волны, доски для серфинга, адреналин, солнце и красивые загорелые спортсменки настраивают на романтический лад. И вот почему мы не удивляемся тому, что горячего шотландца снова застигли за поцелуйчиками/обнимашками прямо на парковке на пляже в Малибу 24 августа? :) Прямо-таки отплатил по полной программе за помощь с доской для серфа, сделав "эротический массаж" груди и ягодиц прелестницы :) Не тот актер играет в сериале "Блудливая Калифорния", не тот! :) А если без смеха, то Батлер после этого теперь точно должен жениться! :)


24.08.2014 - Калифорния, Малибу




It's little wonder Gerard Butler has women falling at his feet. The shy 300 star showed the world just how breathtakingly romantic he can be when he was spotted taking a stunning mystery woman out on a date. The smitten actor jumped at the chance to show her a good time on the beach in California.

Despite having millions in the bank, he decided to take her somewhere sentimental rather than splashing the cash. 

Surrounded by vans and the enchanting scent of petrol, the loved-up pair could not control themselves when they got each other alone. Within minutes of arriving, they leant their heads towards each other and romantically locked lips in a moment that they will no doubt both remember for the rest of their lives. Getting slightly swept up in the beautiful moment, the two then started to grab each other's bottoms almost simultaneously.

Clearly, Gerard, 44, didn't want the rest of his pal's body to feel left out though and so started devoting his attention to her cleavage. She couldn't stop smiling as the actor tried to decide whether it would be better to use his face or hands to explore her breasts, But unfortunately for these two smitten kittens, their car park love story ended almost as soon as it began.

Gerard in particular seemed to find their parting difficult and decided to distract himself with his mobile phone while she bent over to pick up a pole. As they parted ways, Gerard gave his friend a light for her cigarette but not his number. 

Some will remember that in July, the actor was seen out with at least three separate women, the most recent being a steamy encounter with a mystery brunette outside of Malibu restaurant Nobu on July 27. Five days prior, he escorted a pretty blonde into Project nightclub in London. However, his Californian car park lover is likely to be the one his heart will never forget.

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