
суббота, 23 августа 2014 г.

Бен Барнс, Орландо Блум, Джуд Лоу, Кит Харингтон, Роб Паттинсон, Джеймс МакЭвой, Николас Холт, Дэвид Ганди на фанфото из социальных сетей

20 августа 2014 года в Будапеште, Румыния, свой 33 День рождения отпраздновал английский актер Бен Барнс. Поздравляем и желаем новых интересных ролей и преданных поклонников. Кит Харингтон сводит своих фанатов с ума - они при нем теряют дар речи и только потом в твиттере описывают впечатления от встречи. Орландо Блум и Джуд Лоу вдвоем засветились на Ибице, в одном из ночных клубов. Джеймс МакЭвой и Николас Холт попробовали себя на учебном мастер-классе в гоночной школе Honda Ron Haslam в Донингтон Парке, а потом Джеймс поучаствовал в открытии Игр Содружества в Глазго, Шотландия. Целое письмо-признание написала одна из поклонниц Джеймса, когда случайно с ним встретилась на спектакле "Медея" в Национальном театре. Роб Паттинсон в Нью-Йорке забрел в магазин костюмов, нет, не от Диор и Гуччи :) а конкретно карнавальные костюмы интересовали Роба. Готовимся уже к Хэллоуину? Дэвид Ганди в своей стихии: фотосеты, съемки, машины и кофейни. Все, что пожелает английская душа настоящего британского джентельмена :) 



Aug 20, 2014 | Celebrating Birthday In Romania

Aug 8, 2014 | With The Cast of 'Sons of Liberty'

June 21, 2014 | Out With Friends In Bucharest



Always told myself that if I ever met a celebrity I idolised I’d be cool calm and collected, but turns out when you meet Kit Harrington and Liam Cunningham the ability to form coherent sentences just goes!




Jude Law was pictured partying with his friend Orlando Bloom as the two of them were snapped together in a club in Ibiza. Jude even had his arm round fellow Brit Orlando who was pointing at an unidentified female partygoer. Orlando, wearing a flat cap, had his eyes half open while Jude has his scruffy hair slicked back and his arm sleeves rolled up wearing a black t shirt. Orlando has been in the news following his bust up with pop star Justin Bieber on the Mediterranean party island


август 2014

август 2014

август 2014


@Johnboy1886: My good friend James McAvoy and myself! #CharlesXavier #CommonwealthGames

John Barrowman: Me and James McAvoy #proudtobescottish love this man jb



Nicholas Hoult and James McAvoy with Ron Haslam today at the Honda Ron Haslam race school in Donington Park, UK

Opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games held in Glasgow - 23 July 2014

I went to Medea at the National Theatre tonight with mummy (twas really good btw)

i was waiting outside the toilets for my mum when i saw him come out and i kinda did a double take and he looked at me like “oh god” so i was like okay that was cool and then when we sat down in our seats i could see him in the stalls and i was like oh shit and then when it finished i kinda figured he would rush off but we were going out and i looked back and saw him coming out and mum was like go go go you’ll regret it

so i go over and im like “im so sorry but its my birthday soon, can i please have a photo?” and he was like “sure but lets get away from the door so we don’t get in the way” and im following him like oh shit this is happening and he smiles at me and is like “whats your name?” so im like “alex” and he goes “lets take this then” and takes my phone and its not on front camera so i go “you have to turn it round” and he laughed and then took THREE photos and god and then he was like “lovely to meet you, have a good birthday!” and i was like “thank you so much” and he was like “did you enjoy the play?” and i was like “yeah i did did you?” and he started to answer but someone behind him asked for a photo so I was like “thank you so much” and we walked off and i saw his wife so i was like “thank you” and she smiled and then james and his wife was like “oh the lift might be less busy” but i resisted the urge to follow them and i walked away and ahhh im so happy

James in the gym.


"I got my selfie w. Robert Pattenson !!! #RobertPattenson #RobPattenson #Twilight #MCM #GlitterFairy

Costume Store in NYC / Нью-Йорк, Магазин костюмов



@anne_DK87: David Gandy in New York last week. Source: christianmccullock's IG.
(Дэвид Ганди в Нью-Йорке на прошлой неделе)

Фото BTS фотосета "Боги и богини" для Hunter Gatti (август 2014г)


Latest shoot for @MarksandSpencer w @larrykingjnr 
(Последний фотосет для "Маркс и Спенсер" с Ларри Кингом)


DjGandyArg:#DavidGandy in West London last week.
 (Дэвид Ганди в западной части Лондона на прошлой неделе.)


Joel Eden @eedzy: The Man, Myth, and Legend @DGandyOfficial. Could not believe it! Forgot to ask if he needed a "Robin" lol. (Человек, Миф и Легенда - Дэвид Ганди. Не мог в это поверить! Забыл спросить, не нуждается ли он в "Робине")

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