
четверг, 7 августа 2014 г.

Джейсон Стэтхэм после премьерной вечеринки в лонднском ресторане Ivy, Эдди Рэдмейн с королевской семьей на поминальной службе в Бельгии, 04.08.2014


04 августа 2014 года у Джейсона Стэтхэма выдалось жарким: сначала пресс-конференция, потом мировая премьера фильма Сильвестра Сталлоне "Неудержимые 3" (The Expendables 3) в кинотеатре Одеон, и под занавес, вся честная компания оказалась на вечеринке в лондонском ресторане Ivy. После праздничного премьерного междусобойчика, актер прорывался среди толпы фанатов и папарацци к машине, ведь на следующий день его ожидала континентальная Европа. А вот Эдди Рэдмейн удостоился чести вместе с королевской семьей принимать участие в поминальной службе в связи со 100-летней годовщиной начала Первой мировой войны на воинском кладбище в Монсе, Бельгия, 04 августа 2014 года Старое и молодое поколение монархов в лице принцев и принцесс прочитали письма военных лет, Эдди Рэдмейн, хорошо поставленным театральным голосом продекламировал отрывок из A Shropshire Lad. Действие проходило на кладбище St Symphorien в сумерках, с красивой подсветкой, что придавало церемонии благоговения и величественности.



Prince Harry lead moving tributes at a twilight ceremony to remember the fallen of the First World War with a poignant letter home from an Irish Fusilier, written weeks before he was killed at Gallipoli.
The moving letter was sent by Private Michael Lennon, of 1st Battalion the Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Dated May 30, 1915 - it was written to his brother Frank, the day before he was due to land in Gallipoli. In it the soldier wrote: 'Well Frank, I suppose we are for it tomorrow, if we don't get shelled on the way. ‘I can only hope that we have all the luck to come through the night and if I should get bowled out – well it can’t be helped.’

The 100th Anniversary of Great Britain declaring war on Germany. Eddie Redmayne talks during a service at St Symphorien Military Cemetery on August 4, 2014 in Mons, Belgium.

Members of the Belgian and British royal families, as well as other heads of state, have attended a number of events today to mark 100 years since the German invasion of Belgium, which triggered World War One.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived at L'Abbaye Saint-Laurent in Liege this morning where they were received by King Philippe of the Belgians.

They then walked to the Cointe Inter-allied Memorial for a service which included wreath laying and a minute's silence. Prince William along with French President Francois Hollande, German President Joachim Gauck, Belgian Prime Minister Elio du Rupo and the King of Belgium gave short speeches.


The actor Eddie Redmayne - star of Les Miserables and Birdsong - read from A Shropshire Lad and choirs from Britian and Germany together sang 'They Shall Not Grow Old'. 

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry and Prime Minister David Cameron stood shoulder to shoulder with counterparts from countries including France and Germany. Mr Cameron said the Great War, which claimed millions of lives, including 750,000 from the British and Commonwealth, was 'unlike any other'.

In front of 500 guests, including German president Joachim Gauck, Irish President Michael D Higgins and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Mr Cameron said: 'Every war is cruel. 'But this war was unlike any other. The unspeakable carnage, the unbearable loss, the almost unbelievable bravery.'


04.08.2014 - Ресторан Ivy, Лондон



Jason Statham and Vinnie Jones leave the Ivy restaurant 

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