
воскресенье, 19 октября 2014 г.

Бен Барнс, Роб Паттинсон, Том Хиддлстон, Кит Харингтон, Джейми Дорнан на фанфото из социальных сетей

Sept 28, 2014 | In San Francisco

Особое удовольствие на этой неделе нам доставил, конечно же, Роб Паттинсон, сначала материализовавшись в Нью-Йорке, потом посетив Чикаго, вызвав маленькое цунами фанфоток из одного местного кафе, где Роб с кем-то встречался. Потом Европа... и тут понеслось...! Последняя фотография сделана сегодня в Копенгагене... куда дальше занесет его путешествие с Талией Барнетт? :) Бен Барнс, как всегда, старается не афишировать свою личную жизнь, спасибо его друзьям, которые постят фотки с ним в соц. сети. Том Хиддлстон примерил ковбойскую шляпу в Нэвилле, а что, кантри он уже поет, иногда даже подпевает на концертах знаменитым группам и вообще, это все для роли. Полное погружение в образ. Кит Харингтон снова с Лесли Роуз? Возможно, но пока все его время занято на съемках "Игры престолов" и периодических выходов на красную дорожку. Джейми Дорнан в Вакувере, может быть... а вообще нашлась его фотография 2010 года с будущей женой  Амелией Уорнен. Какая красивая пара!


Sept 28, 2014 | In San Francisco

Sept 27, 2014 | Attending A Memorial For Robin Williams In San Francisco


04.10.2014 - NYC

Chicago - Oct 10, 2014

"I high fived Robert Pattinson tonight! Didn't know it would be so exciting til it happened lol #robertpattinson #rpatts #fangirl #bourbonstreet #whyisheinmerrionettepark #crazy"

Chicago - Oct 10, 2014

"So today I served Robert Patterson at my job. He's really chill."

Chicago - Oct 11, 2014

@curtisjt22: so...this happened. went to NikeTown after the marathon and my mom ended taking a selfie with Robert Pattinson!

Chicago - Oct 11, 2014

Best day to be at work... Had the pleasure of serving Robert Pattinson today. #twilight #TeamEdward #lwoods #leye #lettucelove #BestTableEver

Chicago - Oct 11, 2014

Брюссель, 16.10.2014

Брюссель, 16.10.2014

Копенгаген, 19.10.2014



@amandastrav:At @americanafest look who @greta_hollar and I met. Hope you had a great time in @visitmusiccity, @twhiddleston!

20.09.2014 - Нэшвиль

Tom Hiddleston and my brother G Marq Roswell in Nashville where Hiddleston is working On I Saw the Light as Hank Williams. My brother is music supervisor and one of the producers of the film. Yeah..I know..he still rocks:)

20.09.2014 - Нэшвиль


During the month of September 2014, our house in Tennessee became the base camp for Tom Hiddleston’s steady transformation into Hank Williams. I’d been hired by a film company—-whose vision of shining a gritty light on the life and times of Hank Williams piqued my interest no end—-to produce the music and assist their leading man in finding his way into the heart of one of the greatest singer-songwriters of all time.

The classically trained British actor arrived in Nashville on the fourth day of the month and the very next day climbed on a tour bus bound for Michigan and the Wheatland Music Festival, his traveling companions Claudia, myself, and a four-piece band consisting of Jerry Roe, Byron House, Pat Buchannan and Steve Fishell. Just minutes before taking part in an afternoon workshop with Sarah Jarosz, whose permission I had sought first, I asked Tom if he’d like to join us onstage and sing “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry,” a Hank Williams song I’d heard him practicing on the bus. I was surprised when he said yes and skillfully performed the tune before what must have been 1500 people. Later that night, with my band on the main stage, and with very little urging from me, he rendered a joyful version of “Move It On Over.” Afterward, brimming with delight, he admitted, rather boyishly, that he’d never in his life performed with a band and had loved it.

On a typical day in September, I watched him sit for a wardrobe fitting, read through four hours worth of key scenes with the director and leading lady, spend another two hours with a dialect coach, and then, in order to lose the weight needed to look Hank Williams gaunt on screen, run seven wicked miles over hilly Tennessee terrain. With those chores done, he’d then commit to six more hours of singing, over and over again, a very hard to master song like ”Lovesick Blues.” And then, when he finally unlocked the mystery of yodeling the blues, hillbilly style, and was treated to a playback of his performance responded by saying “I can do it better, let me go again.” Then came a late dinner, wolfed down before giving in to a few hours sleep. After nearly a month spent collaborating with this gifted artist, I’m as respectful of the man’s work ethic as I’m mystified by his transformational skills. Without a doubt, the filmmakers chose the right actor for the job.

And, incidentally, having Ry Cooder as a duet partner on “God I’m Missing You” on the Americana Music Awards Show was pretty damned mystical as well.


20.09.2014 - Нэшвиль

@songsherpa:  fun bunch to share Sept. With - thnx2 to team Hank @twhiddleston @RodneyJCrowell @michael_rinne @Chris_Scruggs 

Recording soundtrack to upcoming Hank Williams biopic - I Saw the Light - (back l-r) Michael Rinne/bass, Tom Hiddleston/Hank, Chris Scruggs /steel guitar (front l-r) Wes Langlois/guitar, Stuart Duncan/ fiddle, Richard Bennett/guitar — with Wes Langlois, Michael Rinne, Tom Hiddleston, Stuart Duncan, Chris Scruggs and Richard Bennett at Room & Board, Nashville, Tennessee


Edouard X Fousset Video & Editing: The brilliant Tom Hiddleston. Genuinely a nice chap and awesome to work with!

10.10.2014 / 16.10.2014

Rodney Crowell @RodneyJCrowell: With @twhiddleston just before inducting @gretchenpeters into the Songwriting Hall of Fame.


05.10.2014, С Роуз Лесли

@nyc_panda: Union Square Park North Pavilion You know nothing Jon Snow!! #jkiloveyou #jonsnow #wildlinggf #gameofthrones

Октябрь 2014



С Амелией Уорнер, будущей женой

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