
вторник, 7 октября 2014 г.

Сэм Клафлин и Лили Коллинз на мировой премьере фильма "С любовью, Рози" (Love, Rosie) в Лондоне, 06.10.2014

В понедельник 06 октября 2014 года в Лондоне состоялась мировая премьера фильма "С любовью, Рози" (Love, Rosie). У кинотеатра Odeon West End разложили красную дорожку, по которой прошлись Сэм Клафлин, Лили Коллинз, Сьюки Уотерхаус, так же появилась сама автор и сценарист Сесилия Ахерн, режиссер фильма Кристиан Диттер и другие актеры. Сэм как всегда не смог удержаться, чтобы не состроить веселую мордочку, но самое главное это то, как он смотрелся на красной дорожке со своей молодой красавицей женой Лаурой Хэддок. Клафлин сказал, что "самое большое его достижение - это женитьба на Лауре. И с каждым днем он влюбляется в нее все сильнее и сильнее" Вот это любовь! Они прямо растворились друг в друге. Чтож, поздравим Сэма с еще одним хорошим фильмом в его карьере и удачной женитьбой. Фото и видео отчет с премьеры смотрим под катом



Lily Collins, Sam Claflin and Suki Waterhouse attend the World Premiere of "Love, Rosie" at Odeon West End on October 6, 2014 in London, England 



Lily Collins, Sam Claflin and Suki Waterhouse 


Sam Claflin and Laura Haddock



dailymail.co.uk: They celebrated their first wedding anniversary this summer.
But it would seem Sam Claflin and Laura Haddock were still very much enjoying the honeymoon period as they put on an amorous red carpet display at the Love, Rosie world premiere at London's Odeon West End on Monday night. Treating his beautiful wife to a tender kiss as they worked their magic in front of the cameras, Sam - who stars as Alex in the romantic comedy - seemed to be enjoying his moment in the spotlight alongside co-stars Lily Collins, Suki Waterhouse and Tamsin Egerton.

And it's little wonder the 28-year-old actor looked so besotted with his leading lady, with Laura, 29, looking every inch the prom princess in a striking full-skirted black gown with a dramatic fur-lined hem.

The romantic comedy follows two best friends, Rosie and Alex, as they grow up and negotiate love, life and the obstacles that sometimes get in the way of true romance. Laura and Sam started dating in 2011 after meeting at an audition, and the Hunger Games has previously admitted it was love at first sight on his part. He said: 'It’s the sickliest story ever. I walked into an audition room, I saw her and I knew. I’m not kidding for the life of me. She was reading in for a part and it’s my fourth free call.

'I’ve done previously three auditions with this other girl reading and this girl walked in and I walked out of the audition, couldn’t care less if I got the part. 'I called my agent, I said, "Mate, I am in love." He’s like, "How did the audition go, mate?" I was like, "No, no, you don’t understand. I have just met the woman I want to marry."

'Then, that evening I went to a party in East London and at 5am, I stayed up all night having fun with my friends, got on the first tube or the subway home, got the subway doors opened at my stop, she was standing there. I’m not kidding. This actually happened.



Lily Laight, Tamsin Egerton, Suki Waterhouse, Sam Claflin, Lily Collins and Christian Cooke 

Zygi Kamasa, Cecelia Ahern, Lily Laight, Tamsin Egerton, Suki Waterhouse, Sam Claflin, Lily Collins, Christian Ditter and Christian Cooke

Tamsin Egerton, Suki Waterhouse, Sam Claflin, Lily Collins



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