
вторник, 25 ноября 2014 г.

Будни подружек английских бойфрендов: Сиенна Миллер в Лос-Анджелесе представляет фильм "Американский снайпер", 21-22.11.2014

В январе 2015 года в американских кинотеатрах выйдет новый фильм Сиенны Миллер и Бредли Купера "Американский снайпер" (American sniper), где Сиенна играет роль жены американского снайпера Криса Кайла Рене Кайл. 21 ноября 2014 года актриса присутствовала на показе этого фильма в Лос-Анджелесе, где представила этот новый режиссерский проект знаменитого Клинта Иствуда. На следующий день Миллер видели в аэропорту LAX, когда она спешила на посадку в самолет. На ней было именное пончо Burberry и в сумке лежала меховая шубейка 


21.11.2014 - Лос-Анджелес

Sienna Miller worked a leather look for the American Sniper screening on Friday night in Los Angeles


Sienna Miller knows that a little leather goes a long way when it comes to looking fashionable.

Which is why the blonde beauty was rocking a simple patent top to the screening of American Sniper on Friday night, giving the look an original touch in burgundy. She also managed to add a rocky edge to her polished bob as she ruffled up her tresses to greet fans when she unveiled her new Clint Eastwood project in Los Angeles. She was previewing the hotly-anticipated American Sniper release, which is due in cinemas in January 2015.  

In the film, Sienna plays Taya Renae Kyle, whose married to Bradley Cooper's character Chris Kyle, a sniper who completed four tours of Iraq.  

Sienna gushed about her co-star Bradley to Entertainment Weekly, saying: 'His performance is completely compelling. He’s just unrecognizable. He was training four to six hours a day. He put on 40 pounds of muscle. 

'He looked and sounded like a different person. I’m pretty sure he didn’t break character for the entire thing. He dived into this completely head-first. It was an amazing thing to be around.'

22.11.2014 - Аэропорт Лос-Анджелеса, LAX

Sienna Miller departing on a flight at LAX airport in Los Angeles, California on November 22, 2014



The mum of one flew out of Los Angeles LAX airport on Saturday night, covering up in a chic Burberry personalised poncho. She dressed her crop with a baker boy cap but paired scruffy trainers with jogging bottoms to complete her in-flight ensemble. Sienna went make-up free under her wayfarer sunglasses and carried a fur-lined jacket in hand luggage. 

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