
понедельник, 22 декабря 2014 г.

Весь мир театр: Юэн МакГрегор дебютировал в бродвейской постановке "Реальная вещь" (The Real Thing)

Итак, кампания Roundabout Theatre Company на Бродвее решила поставить еще одну пьесу о любви, о браке, об измене под названием "Реальная вещь" / The Real Thing драматурга Тома Стоппарда. Режиссировал пьесу Сэм Голд, дебютировал в ней в роли Генри (остроумного британского писателя, замученного жизнью) Юэн МакГрегор, его жену Шарлотту сыграла Синтия Никсон, а любовницу Энни - Мэгги Джилленхол. 30 октября состоялась премьера спектакля в театре American Airlines Theatre. Критики остались довольны игрой англичанина, но в тоже время разнесли в пух и прах новое возрождение этого спектакля (оригинал 1982 года дебютировал в Лондоне и два года спустя на Бродвее, где блистал Джереми Айронс). New York Times так написало о МакГрегоре: "Очаровательный, красивый парень, который говорит свои реплики с четкостью и талантом. Но он не выглядит побитым жизнью или надломленным внутренними сомнениями". The Associated Press: "Макгрегор редко позволяет своим эмоциям срываться,но когда он это делает - стонет в одиночку или тихо всхлипывает - это душераздирающе ".  Фото и видео смотрите под катом



Director Sam Gold joins his cast in discussing one of Tom Stoppard's sexiest plays.

The cast members of Broadway's The Real Thing introduce their characters (all of whom quickly find themselves intertwined) in this video from the Roundabout Theatre Company production's press event. Ewan McGregor, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Josh Hamilton, and Cynthia Nixon — who also starred in the play's original Broadway production — discuss this sexy play's underlying themes, while director Sam Gold reveals what "the real thing" really is.

30.10.2014 - Премьера спектакля в Нью-Йорке

Cynthia Nixon, Ewan McGregor, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Madeline Weinst and Josh Hamilton attend the opening night of "The Real Thing" on Broadway at American Airlines Theatre on October 30, 2014 in New York City 

Ewan McGregor and Eve Mavrakis

Maggie Gyllenhaal and Ewan McGregor

The Real Thing - About The Show


Ewan McGregor Makes His Broadway Debut

Ewan McGregor, Maggie Gyllenhaal open to harsh reviews in 'The Real Thing'

Ewan McGregor and Maggie Gyllenhaal made their Broadway debuts Thursday in a new revival of Tom Stoppard's "The Real Thing," which is being produced by the Roundabout at the American Airlines Theatre in New York.

The new production also stars Cynthia Nixon, who appeared 30 years ago in the same play but in a different role.

"The Real Thing," a structurally tricky drama that uses the play-within-a-play conceit to explore notions of marriage and infidelity, debuted in 1982 in London and two years later on Broadway. The original New York production was highly acclaimed and starred Jeremy Irons, Glenn Close, Christine Baranski and Nixon.

In 2000, the play was revived on Broadway to strong reviews, with a cast that included Jennifer Ehle and Stephen Dillane.

The new revival stars McGregor in the role of Henry, a tormented writer, and Gyllenhaal as Annie, an actress. Rounding out the cast are Josh Hamilton, Alex Breaux and Madeline Weinstein. Sam Gold directed the production

Gyllenhaal has performed on stage in off-Broadway productions, most notably in Chekhov's "Three Sisters" and "Uncle Vanya" at the Classic Stage Company. She also appeared in Los Angeles productions of Tony Kushner's "Homebody/Kabul" and Patrick Marber's "Closer."

McGregor has acted on stage in London, including a Donmar Warehouse production of "Othello" in 2007.

Many New York critics had harsh things to say about the new revival of Stoppard's play, though some offered dissenting opinions.

Ben Brantley of the New York Times described the production as "one of those unfortunate revivals that make you wonder if the play in question is worth revisiting." McGregor is a "a charming, handsome fellow, who speaks his lines with crispness and flair. But he doesn’t look remotely bruised by the years or ravaged by inner doubts." Meanwhile, he said, Gyllenhaal "strikes no sparks" with her leading man.

The Associated Press' Mark Kennedy described the new revival as "thoroughly excellent" and praised the musical interludes between scenes in which cast members perform songs. McGregor "rarely lets his mask down," Kennedy said, "but when he does -- moaning alone or quietly sobbing -- it's heartbreaking." For her part, Gyllenhaal "telegraphs her character's unease and real desires with aching subtlety."

Elisabeth Vincentelli of the New York Post wrote that the play "feels like a kettle that simmers without ever reaching a boiling point." She said the standout among the cast is Nixon, who has a "haughty, coiled energy, and things flag when she’s offstage for most of Act 2."

The Hollywood Reporter's David Rooney described the production as "hollow" even though McGregor makes an "assured Broadway debut" and Gyllenhaal "brings poise and sophistication" to her character. "Aside from the two leads, the remaining cast leaves little impression," he said.

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