
вторник, 16 декабря 2014 г.

В глянце: Сиенна Миллер для январского номера журнала Vogue (US) - "Материнство - это лучшее, что со мной произошло"

Фэшн-редактор Тонни Гудман и фотограф Марио Тестино (Mario Testino) предложили Сиенне Миллер стать лицом с январской обложки журнала Vogue (US). Но изюменка в том. что Сиенна будет не одна, а с 2-х годовалой дочерью Марлоу Старридж. Для Марлоу это первые профессиональные съемки, раньше мы ее видели только в Instagram звездной мамочки. Кстати о социальных сетях, Сиенна не хочет иметь аккаунт в твиттере, как сказала сама актриса: "Это было бы минное поле. Я не смогла бы не ответить тому, кто на меня напал. Я бы стала троллить". Про отношения с Томом Старриджем - "Это удивительно, что он рядом. Он отец моего ребенка. Там нет никакой драмы". О первой совместной фотосессии дочери - "Я была поражена тем, на сколько нормально она себя чувствовала. Это было похоже на "Там вы, а я здесь, не ищите меня, для вас я невидимка". Фото Сиенны Миллер из журнала смотрим под катом


VOGUE (by Mario Testino) [ЯНВАРЬ 2015] 

Fashion Editor: Tonne Goodman.
Photographed by Mario Testino, Vogue, January 2015

Sienna Miller poses for sweet photo with daughter Marlowe, two, as she explains motherhood is the best thing to ever happened to her

She used to be known best for her drama-filled life but these days Sienna Miller is the epitome of domesticity. Far removed from her headline-grabbing relationships with actors Jude Law and Balthazar Getty, Sienna, 32, is now happily settled down with partner Tom Sturridge, 29, but it was becoming a mother to daughter Marlowe two years ago which she credits as her greatest achievement.

с дочерью Марлоу Старридж

Sienna, who posed for a sweet picture with the tot for American Vogue's January 2015 issue, told the publication: 'I was overwhelmed by how normal it felt. It was like, "There you are - that's what I have been missing." Like we're both in on something only we know. An amazing sense of being complicit with a little being.'

Meanwhile, the usually private Sienna had her two-year-old daughter take part in her photoshoot for the magazine. The Foxcatcher actress and Marlowe posed together outside a countryside cottage as they played with a pony. One snap shows Sienna, showing off her long legs in a boho-chic dress, knee high boots and a long coat, and Marlow, whose back is to the camera, as they check out a cute horse in a field in front. 

And Sienna is thrilled to be settled down with Tom, alluding to her past dramatic relationships, including having Jude cheat on her with his children's nanny and her fling with Balthazar.  
But speaking about Tom, she said: 'That's amazing to be around. That's the father of my child. There's no drama.' However, she's not completely drama free these days and Sienna told Vogue that she could never join Twitter because she would be tempted to engage with trolls. 

She explained: 'It would be a minefield. If someone attacked me, I definitely would retaliate.' Speaking about her previous short stint on Instagram, she said: 'It fueled the worst part of my soul. 'It was the most addictive thing. Every morning I’d wake up and there would be a thousand more followers or whatever and there would be these amazing greetings like "Welcome! We love you!". 'I’d be inflated by this nonexistent, intangible love. I was like, "I need to get off this."'

The other image shows Sienna in a jaunty hat as she poses for the camera. 

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