
среда, 14 января 2015 г.

Эдди Рэдмейн на торжественном ужине Focus Features в честь победителей Golden Globe в Лос-Анджелесе, 12.01.2015

Eddie Redmayne sits with Minnie Driver and Anne Hathaway

Эдди Рэдмейн ворвался на Голливудский Олимп, став победителем в номинации "Лучший драматический актер" на церемонии Golden Globe 11 января в Беверли Хиллз. После всех вечеринок, где народ расслаблялся после длительного действия, пришел черед неспешных торжественных ужинов. 12 января 2015 года в Sunset Tower Hotel в Лос-Анджелесе прошел ужин Focus Features в честь победителей, где Эдди был в окружении маститых и титулованных голливудских звезд: Мелани Гриффитс, Мира Сорвино, Алисия Сильверстоун, Эдриан Броуди, Энн Хэтэуэй. Поддержать и еще раз поздравить Эдди пришла его жена Ханна, партнерша по фильму Фелисити Джонс и Лили Коллинз. На вопрос о том "не боится ли он такой именитой компании?", Эдди пошутил, что он боялся только принца Уильяма на поле для регби. 



Eddie goes to Hollywood! Man of the moment Redmayne rubs shoulders with Anne Hathaway and Minnie Driver at Golden Globes celebratory dinner Eddie Redmayne's star is shining bright right now, so it's no wonder Hollywood has welcomed him with open arms.

Now after winning the Golden Globe for Best Actor - Drama for is role in The Theory Of Everything, Eddie is rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest stars in town, including Oscar winner Anne Hathaway. The two were set together at a Focus Features dinner to celebrate the young British actor's win at the annual awards event...

The real actresses of Hollywood: Minnie Driver, Melanie Griffith, Eddie Redmayne, Mira Sorvino, Alicia Silverstone pose together on Monday night

Eddie with Felicity Jones, Lily Collins and Tom Daley

Eddie Redmayne is sandwiched in between Felicity Jones and Lily Collins while attending a dinner held to celebrate his Golden Globe win on Monday evening (January 12, 2014) at Sunset Tower Hotel in Los Angeles

Honour: Eric Fellner gives a speech to the guests at the dinner celebrating Eddie's Golden Globe Award

Eddie and Adrian Brody

On Monday (Jan.12, 2015), Eddie was introduced to the likes of Melanie Griffiths, Mira Sorvino, Alicia Silverstone and Adrien Brody, though hopefully he wasn't as intimidated by them as he was by the Duke of Cambridge.

Redmayne - who attended Eton College alongside the British royal - revealed that he was a 'lovely man' but joked that he was scared of Prince William on the rugby pitch.

He quipped: 'He's a very good rugby player. I'm not ... I'm pretty sure Will was more intimidating than I was. I don't think I ever intimidated anyone in my life ...

'I haven't seen him since I left school, but he was a lovely man.'

Eddie has fond memories of his days at the prestigious boarding school in Berkshire, England - but admitted that he felt sympathy for the Duke of Cambridge because all the students wanted to tackle him during the sports game.

He explained previously: 'I always felt slightly sorry for him because everyone wanted to tackle the future king of England. He took all the hits.'

The 33-year-old actor - who recently tied the knot with Hannah Bagshawe - also revealed that he is really enjoying married life.

Eddie Redmayne's star is shining bright right now, so it's no wonder Hollywood has welcomed him with open arms. Now after winning the Golden Globe for Best Actor - Drama for is role in The Theory Of Everything, Eddie is rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest stars in town, including Oscar winner Anne Hathaway.

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