
суббота, 24 января 2015 г.

Два новых TV-Spot из фильма "Восхождение Юпитер" (Jupiter Ascending) с участием Эдди Рэдмейна + промо-фото

04 февраля состоится мировая премьера фильма "Восхождение Юпитер" (Jupiter Ascending), а уже 5 и 6 февраля фильм посмотрит почти весь мир. Студия Warner Bros. Pictures спешит прорекламировать творение брата и "сестры" Вачовски, вбрасывая в кинозалы два новых  тв-ролика (TV-Spot) с участием номинанта на Оскар Эдди Рэдмейна и промо-фото с Дугласом Бутом, Милой Кунис, Шоном Бином, Таппенс Мидлтон. Итак, воплощение вселенского злого гения и наследника звездной империи в лице Эдди Рэдмейна борется с новой претенденткой на огромное наследство Милой Кунис, и эта борьба может пошатнуть равновесие Вселенной. Тв-отрывки и промо-фото смотрим под катом




'The Battle Begins' : TV Spot #1

"I was strung on these wires 40 feet in the air with a harness around me, which is transpires the Wachowskis invented back in the day. I'm basically spun in the air at about 50mph. It was for a moment in the film in which I go through what they call a 'grav-trough'. I almost vomitted at the end. I was so unprepared for this gigantic wedgie, dressed head-to-toe in leathers.
'Extended : TV Spot #2

Multiple Academy Awards nominee – producer Grant Hill – talks making of Jupiter Ascending in Total Film magazine.

“Balem is one of three siblings who are fighting each other in an almost medieval way,” Hill explains of Eddie Redmayne’s villain. “They’re always plotting against each other to increase their share of the inheritance of the various planets in the universe. Balem owns a lot of it – he has a lot to lose if Jupiter inherits the throne, as it were – which is in effect what her journey is, once she’s discovered to be a pureblood. Jupiter and Balem have a hostile relationship. Balem’s very violent and intense. He’s willing to go to any lengths for (Jupiter’s ascension to the throne) not to happen. By this stage, he has presided over the kidnapping of her family; he is trying to get her to disinherit herself to save them. “We were really lucky to get all of our ideal cast. Lana and Andy sat down with Eddie and basically said, “Do you want to be in a science-fiction movie with a lot of action and you in the middle of it?” His ears pricked up and he said, “Yes, I’d like to do that.” He came up with that character with Lana and Andy. It’s just such a wonderful, strong different take on a villain. Just remarkable.


Douglas Booth

Sean Bean

Mila Kunis

Tuppence Middleton

The Abrasax Clipper


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