
среда, 21 января 2015 г.

Дэмиан Льюис представил мини-сериал "Волчий зал" (Wolf Hall) на Television Critics Association press tour (ТСА), Пасадена, 19.01.2015

Канал ВВС Two приступил к показу мини-сериала "Волчий зал" (Wolf Hall) с участием Дэмиана Льюиса в роли короля Генри VIII. Это экранизация романов британской писательницы Хилари Мэнтел (Hilary Mantel) «Волчий Зал» и «Внесите тела», двух книг планируемой трилогии о Томасе Кромвеле. За эти книги она удостоилась Букеровской премии. Фильм о том, как сын кузнеца Томас Кромвель благодаря своим талантам стал советником короля династии Тюдоров. Вот с таким историческим сериалом и приехали продюсеры и исполнители главных ролей в Америку, на ежегодный зимний Television Critics Association press tour (ТСА), чтобы представить свое творение на суд телевизионных критиков в Пасадене 19 января. А накануне Дэмиан Льюис и каст фильма "Волчий зал" прибыл в Британское консульство на послеобеденный чай отпраздновать запуск первого эпизода сериала. Фото и видео смотрим под катом


19.01.2015 - Television Critics Association press tour

Дэмиан Льюис - актер, который также как и принц Уильям получил образование в Итоне, и недавно удостоился награды Ордена Британской Империи от герцога Кембриджского, сказал, что он обращал внимание на их (королевская семья, младшее поколение) стремление к "нормальности" при воспроизведении монарха  из династии Тюдоров.

"Я вижу в Генри желание быть нормальным человеком: он начал полнеть, потерял свой атлетизм и спортивную форму, он окружил себя теми, кого можно охарактеризовать как Буллингдонский Клуб красивых мужчин, которые были на десять лет моложе его."

"Я бы заступился за Генри, как за человек, потому что он был удивительно нежным, любящим, щедрым, представительным и чрезвычайно талантливым во многих областях" 

"Чрезвычайно впечатляющий человек. С тенденцией к убийству ".


As he plays a handsome Henry VIII, pacing his palaces as he negotiates a split with Rome, one might have thought Damian Lewis would turn to the history books for assistance.

But the actor has disclosed an unusual inspiration for his part in Wolf Hall: The Duke of Cambridge and his brother, Prince Harry.

Lewis, who is to star in the BBC’s new flagship period drama, said he had gained an insight into the character of Henry VIII by studying the lives of the modern princes.

The actor, who was also educated at Eton and recently received his OBE from the Duke of Cambridge, said he had drawn on their desire for “normality” when playing the Tudor monarch.

He appears as a slender Henry VIII in the BBC’s adaptation of Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall, alongside Mark Rylance as Thomas Cromwell and Claire Foy as Anne Boleyn, appearing in the final moments of the first episode.

In an interview with the Telegraph, he said he had “drawn on the essential source material” of Mantel’s Booker Prize-winning novels during research, pointing out the story is still a “piece of fiction” despite its rigour.

He added he had also taken influence from the Duke of Cambridge, a known fan of his hit television programme Homeland, and Prince Harry, after observing how the pair approach their public duties.

“I have actually on occasion found myself thinking about Wills and Harry; wanting to normalize your life as much as possible,” he said.

“I see in Henry a desire for normality, and as he started to lose his waistline, and lose his athleticism, he surrounded himself with what can only be described as a Bullingdon Club of handsome men who were ten years younger than him.”

He added he had also read non-fiction works by historians including David Starkey, Susannah Lipscomb and Alison Weir, as well as the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography archives.

Lewis, who is married to actress Helen McCrory, said he was “sympathetic” to Henry VIII in the same way he empathised with every character he plays, saying he was “far from being the syphilitic, irrational old letch people like to think of him as”.

“I would advocate for Henry as a man who was surprisingly tender, loving, generous, personable and extraordinarily talented in many difference areas,” he said.

“An extraordinarily impressive man. With a tendency to murder.”

Executive producer Rebecca Eaton, actors Damian Lewis, Mark Rylance, director Peter Kosminsky and executive producer Colin Callender speak onstage during the 'MASTERPIECE В“Wolf HallВ”' panel discussion at the PBS Network portion of the Television Critics Association press tour at Langham Hotel on January 19, 2015 in Pasadena, California



Дэмиан Льюис играет Генри VIII в адаптации книг Хилари Мантел "Волчий зал", наряду с Марком Райленсом (Томас Кромвель) и Клэр Фой в роли Анны Болейн, которая появилась в последние минуты первого эпизода.

He appears as a slender Henry VIII in the BBC’s adaptation of Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall, alongside Mark Rylance as Thomas Cromwell and Claire Foy as Anne Boleyn, appearing in the final moments of the first episode.


18.01.2015 - Послеобеденный чай в британском консульстве


Afternoon tea at The British Consulate celebrating "Wolf Hall" Airing On Masterpiece On PBS at The British Residence on January 18, 2015 in Los Angeles, California 

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