
воскресенье, 8 февраля 2015 г.

Бенедикт Камбербэтч и Мартин Фриман на съемках эпизода "Рождество" сериала "Шерлок" в Лондоне, 07.02.2014

Днем съемки, вечером BAFTA-товские тусовки. График занятости Бенедикта Камбербэтча просто зашкаливает. 07 февраля 2015 года состоялись съемки эпизода специальной серии  "Рождество" сериала "Шерлок" (Sherlock) в Лондоне. Скорее всего фильм выйдет в конце 2015 года, как раз к Рождеству. Как сказал режиссер и сценарист Стивен Моффат: "Рано говорить, но мы уверены, что с Шерлоком и Ватсоном случится такое, о чем вы даже не подозреваете". Ну, уже подозреваем и видим, что Бенедикт и Мартин Фриман оказались в викторианской Англии, в сущности именно тогда, когда и писал свои рассказы Артур Конан Дойль. Костюмы той эпохи и "старинная Бейкер-стрит" ака North Gower Street стали полем для съемок в субботу. Как обычно, толпы фанатов пришли поглазеть на актеров и на сами съемки. Фото и видео смотрим под катом



07.02.2015 - Съемки в Лондоне (4-й сезон)



Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015 – North Gower Street

Benedict Cumberbatch stops to talk to fans during Sherlock Christmas special filming.

They have been hard at work filming a highly anticipated one-off special of Sherlock. And the stars of the show Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman were seen on set once again on Saturday as they filmed more scenes in London. Getting to work on a recreation of Baker Street, both actors were dressed to the nines in their Victorian-era costumes.

Having already filmed scenes in Bath, fans are eagerly waiting to discover what is in store in the Christmas special of the present-day adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s franchise. 

The BBC confirmed last year that the popular detective show would return in 2015 with a special, followed by a fourth series consisting of three episodes. The upcoming series of the popular show, which was created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, is set to be 'the most shocking and surprising series of Sherlock yet' according to the BBC.

'Of course, it's far too early to say what's coming, but we're reasonably confident that the very next thing to happen to Sherlock and John, is the very last thing you'd expect,' Moffat revealed last year. He is also quoted saying: ‘I suspect it’s going to be end of year-ish, and as everyone has seen, it’s Victorian'. As well as keeping busy filming for the hit TV show, Benedict is in the midst of awards season fever, as he has been nominated for several top prizes for his portrayal of Alan Turing in The Imitation Game.

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