
среда, 18 марта 2015 г.

FKA twigs снимает клип в Бакингемшире, Англия, Сиенна Миллер на улицах Нью-Йорка, 16-17.03.2015


У Джуда Лоу родился 5 ребенок, а поэтому поводу почему-то вспоминают Сиенну Миллер, хотя дело прошлое. Сейчас у нее есть любимый ребенок и гражданский муж Том Старридж. Нью-йоркские критики не особо приветливо встретили актрису, которая взяла музыкальную эстафету у Эммы Стоун, играя до 29 марта роль Салли Боулз в мюзикле "Кабаре". Как они сказали: "не хватило Сиенне харизмы и вокальных данных". Так что помимо травмы, полученной актрисой во время спектакля, ее ждали еще и злобные отзывы. 17 марта Сиенну Миллер папарацци поймали на улице города Большого Яблока. Пожелаем ей стойкости и философского настроя - все пройдет, и это тоже. Днем ранее, 16 марта, в одном из парков Бакингемшира подруга Роба Паттинсона FKA twigs  снимала новый клип. Полуголые танцоры и замерзшая Талия в тепленьком костюмчике с грелкой в руках создавали прямо какой-то сюрреалистический ансамбль. Надеемся, клип будет шикарен и в духе провокационной певицы. Фото смотрим под катом


16.03.2015 - Съемки клипа в Бакингемшире




FKA twigs dons an animal onesie on chilly UK set as she directs music video... while beau Robert Pattinson steps out solo in sunny LA

It was recently claimed that FKA twigs had received a promise ring from her beau, Robert Pattinson, as a sign of his commitment to her.
But on Monday, the couple were oceans apart, as twigs shot a music video with scantily-clad male dancers in Buckinghamshire while commitments kept Robert in Los Angeles.
FKA twigs, real name Tahliah Barnett, donned a patterned navy animal onesie as she took the director's seat to oversee the production in a forest setting.

At one point, dry ice was seen being added to the scene as her dancers - dressed in just soiled white underpants, with one man donning pigtails similar to hers - writhed around.
With colourful sheets of fabric adorning parts of the set, the clip looked set to reflect twigs' notably eclectic style.


17.03.2015 - Нью-Йорк


Sienna Miller keeps it casual in skinny jeans and black coat on New York outing... as it's revealed ex-fiance Jude Law has become a dad for the FIFTH time 

It's been an eventful few weeks for Sienna Miller as she kicked off her run as Sally Bowles in the Broadway production of Cabaret. 
While she suffered a black eye after walking into a prop during a performance, Sienna has also had to deal with poor reviews after she took over the role from Emma Stone.
And on Tuesday, it was confirmed that her ex-fiance Jude Law, who famously cheated on her with his child's nanny, has become a father for the fifth time.

The New York Post hit out, calling her performance 'banal' and low 'wattage' while the New York Daily News blasted her as 'barely passable' and 'emotionally disconnected'.

And while amNY lauded her 'raw, playful, very sexy turn,' their reviewer admitted that 'Miller is hardly the best singer to ever play the role.'
Miller replaced Oscar nominees Emma Stone and Michelle Williams as the Kit Kat Klub singer for the final six weeks ending March 29. 
Added to the reviews, Sienna has also had to deal with an injury, reportedly needing stitches for a gash above her eye after walking into a prop during a performance.

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