
воскресенье, 28 июня 2015 г.

Дэвид Ганди принял участие в качестве члена жюри в конкурсе старт-апов "Pitch To Rich" ("Шаг к богатству") в Лондоне, 26.06.2015

Дэвид Ганди вошел в состав жюри конкурса молодых предпринимателей "Pitch To Rich" ("Шаг к богатству"). Конкурс организован сэром Ричардом Брэнсоном, британским предпринимателем, основателем корпорации Virgin Group. Цель конкурса, найти самых ярких и лучших предпринимателей в Великобритании и дать им поддержку для продвижения своих новаторских идей. Призовой фонд в 1 млн фунтов стерлингов даст им возможность воплотить свои начинания в жизнь. Жюри, в состав которого вошли такие известные люди, как Сэр Ричард Брэнсон, Дэвид Ганди, Джо Малоун, основатель "Shutterstock" Джон Оринджер и основатель "Mumsnet" Жюстин Робертс, собралось в частном доме в Лондоне, чтобы выслушать девять финалистов, выбранных среди более чем 2500 претендентов. Бонусом к денежной поддержке, предоставленной рекламе, а так же лекциям по ведению бизнеса, трое победителей получили возможность в течении года совершать неограниченное количество поездок на поездах Virgin Trains, бесплатно пользоваться интернетом и телекоммуникациями от Virgin Media Business. Прямой эфир финального конкурса и награждение победителей состоялся 26 июня 2015 года. Фото и видео смотрим под катом



Жюри конкурса

Sir Richard Branson, David Gandy, Jo Malone, Shutterstock founder Jon Oringer and Mumsnet founder Justine Roberts aimed to identify the next generation of high-potential UK companies today in a startup event known as Pitch to Rich.

Pitch to Rich 2015 Live Finale

Прямой эфир: 26 июня 2015 г.

Pitch to Rich 2015 is the fourth annual competition from Virgin Media Business to seek out, celebrate and boost exciting businesses in the UK. The event will see 9 Finalists Pitch for a share of the amazing £1m prize fund and support from across Virgin Group.

The Judges are:

· Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group
· Peter Kelly, Managing Director, Virgin Media Business
· Justine Roberts, Founder and CEO of Mumsnet
· Jon Oringer, Founder, Shutterstock
· Jo Malone, Founder, JoLoves
· David Gandy, Supermodel and Investor.

They will select one winner for each category:

1. Start-up: for exciting new businesses with huge potential.
2. New Things: for big new ideas with the capacity to disrupt.
3. Grow: for existing businesses that are ready to go big-time.

The story:

Pitch to Rich 2015 is the fourth annual competition from Virgin Media Business (VMB) to seek out, celebrate and boost exciting businesses in the UK. It has three categories:

1. Start-up: for exciting new businesses with huge potential.
2. New Things: for big new ideas with the capacity to disrupt.
3. Grow: for existing businesses that are ready to go big-time.

The competition and has grown from strength to strength, now offering an amazing £1m prize fund, supported by unique opportunities from across Virgin Group.

· Over 675,000 votes selected the Final 9 across three categories.
· The project is supported by amazing Judges and partners.
· The project is a celebration of innovation and small business – and recognise the winners, finalists, and all who have taken part.

Pitch to Rich 2015 Live Finale Winners


Pitch to Rich: Sir Richard Branson and David Gandy back JustPark, Kino-Mo and FourEx

Virgin Media Business said over 2,500 companies applied to one of the three categories: Startup, New Things and Grow.

Sir Richard Branson, David Gandy, Jo Malone, Shutterstock founder Jon Oringer and Mumsnet founder Justine Roberts aimed to identify the next generation of high-potential UK companies today in a startup event known as Pitch to Rich.  

The high-profile judging panel congregated at Second Home in London to listen to nine startup finalists that were whittled down from over 2,500 entries. 

"Everybody wants to be an entrepreneur and it’s fantastic to encourage, help and mentor them," said Branson, adding that the competition helps the startups to get their profiles up. 

"I remember when I was a 15-year-old struggling to get started. I found one family friend who was a mentor who would help me with the figures at the weekend. In those days most companies were state-owned and there wasn’t that entrepreneurial zeal. It’s wonderful to see a building like this [Second Home] and see how much the world has changed. Entrepreneurs are making people's lives better and using their skills to try to solve the problems of the world. With that determination they can get on top." 

Prizes were awarded to businesses across three categories: startup, new things and grow. 

The winners were Kino-Mo (startup), a company that has a machine which projects holograms, Fourex (new things), a company that has built a currency conversion machine, and Just Park (grow), an app that helps drivers find parking spaces on other people’s driveways. 

Talking about JustPark, whose CEO Alex Stephany blogs about the sharing economy on Techworld, Branson said: "I love ideas that fulfil a need. If there is an empty space somewhere and it's been locked up all day long while the owners go to work then it should be used. Car parking is at a premium and it’s expensive. I think it [JustPark] can be a global business and they should move quickly."

The winners will now receive a share of a £1 million total prize fund, with companies getting between £50,000 and £250,000 from Virgin Media Business. 

The three category winners will also receive unlimited train travel on Virgin Trains, internet and telecoms from Virgin Media Business and membership to not-for-profit private members club, The House of St Barnabas. 

They will also have access to mentoring and networking opportunities from the Virgin Group and some of its partners, including LinkedIn, Seedcamp, The Accelerator Network and presentation software firm Prezi. 

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