
среда, 27 января 2016 г.

Джейсон Стэтхэм и Рози в Лондоне, Кит Харингтон в Манчестере, Джерард Батлер в Западном Голливуде, 25-26.01.2016


Кит Харингтон наслаждается заслуженным отдыхом у себя на Родине, в Англии. 25 января его видели у одного из домов в Манчестере, когда он вышел покурить на улицу. После 6 лет перерыва, Кит возвращается на сцену театра в постановке "Фауст" режиссера Кристофера Марлоу. Актер сыграет ведущую роль. 26 января поздно вечером папарацци наблюдами мимимишную сцену между Джейсоном Стэтхэмом и его невестой Рози Хантингтон-Уайтли. Парочка прижималась друг к другу в такси, которое отъезжало от ресторана The Ivy поздно ночью в Лондоне. Многие девушки позавидовали Рози - найти такое крепкое плечо и широкую спину не каждой под силу :) В этот же день, вернее ночь, в Западном Голливуде папарацци поймали на камеру Джераржа Батлера. Никаких огорчений, только позитив и улыбка. Скоро, скоро мы увидим Батлера на промо его очередного фильма-катастрофы "Падение Лондона" (London Has Fallen), ну а следом уже пойдут и "Боги Египта" (Gods of Egypt). Ждем, не дождемся :) Фото смотрим под катом


26.01.2016 - Лондон

Newly-engaged Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Jason Statham share a tender embrace in the back of a taxi following romantic dinner date 

She recently confirmed their engagement when she flashed her diamond ring at the Golden Globes earlier this month. And Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and boyfriend Jason Statham looked typically smitten they were pictured snuggling in the back of a taxi after enjoying a romantic meal at The Ivy restaurant in London on Tuesday night. Despite being famed for his tough action man roles, the 48-year-old actor looked ever the doting gentleman as he held his wife-to-be in his arms.


25.01.2016 - Манчестер

Game Of Thrones star Kit Harington cuts a relaxed figure as he puffs on a cigarette during low-key outing in Manchester

He is set to appear in the new West End production of Doctor Faustus later this year. But ahead of his busy schedule, Kit Harington cut a relaxed and content figure as he stepped out in Manchester city centre on Monday afternoon. Sporting his trademark rugged beard, the 29-year-old actor dressed down in a denim jeans and a plain black jumper as he kicked back with a cigarette.

His sighting comes just as it was revealed that the British star will play the lead in the modern version of Christopher Marlowe's classic tragedy.

Speaking about his latest venture, he explained: ‘I have been away from the theatre for six years, so the combination of Colin Teevan's inventive version of Marlowe's extraordinary play in the hands of the visionary director Jamie Lloyd all felt like the perfect reason to come back. ‘Faustus' journey is exhilarating and the idea of playing a magician - a showman - is hugely exciting.’ He previously appeared on stage in the original production of Laura Wade's Posh as well as War Horse at the National Theatre.


26.01.2016 - Западный Голливуд


"Gods of Egypt" star Gerard Butler enjoys a night out on the town on January 26, 2016 in West Hollywood, California. Gerard has been busy promoting his new action film "London Has Fallen."

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