
пятница, 15 января 2016 г.

Джуд Лоу на съемках мини-сериала "Молодой Папа" в Венеции и первые кадры со съемочной площадки фильма "Кинг Конг: Остров черепа"

Итак, по Венеции  Джуд Лоу гулял не просто так, а по работе. Из Рима съемки мини-сериала "Молодй Папа" (The Young Pope) переместились в Венецию. Режиссер Пауло Соррентино начал цикл съемок с площади Святого Марка. Ранним утром 14 января Джуд Лоу, статисты и киношники начали работу над новой серией о Папе Пии ХII. При 100% влажности и венецианской сырости, в промежутках рабочего процесса, Джуд набрасывал на себя теплую курточку. Ну, не май месяц, хоть и Италия. На съемках актер был облачен в традиционную одежду римского епископа, которая включает рясу и перелину на плечах (Pellegrina - короткая монашеская накидка ), и мягкие красные кожаные ботинки. Как настоящий профессионал, Джуд так вживается в образ, что даже размытые фото папарацци заставляют восхищаться его осанкой и не поддельной верой в то, что он делает. Предпродакшн фильма "Кинг Конг: Остров черепа" (Kong: Skull Island), в котором одну из главных ролей играет Том Хиддлстон закончился, теперь дело за натурными съемками. Появились первые кадры со съемочной площадки, сделанные дроном в дюнах острова South Stradbroke Island недалеко от австралийского города Gold Coast. Лиха беда начало! Ждем больше фото, ведь иногда сам процесс интереснее кино :)



Exclusive first shots as Kong: Skull Island lands on the Gold Coast for first day’s filming

KING Kong has landed, beginning the biggest year in the Gold Coast’s film history. Filming of the $190 million Kong: Skull Island took over the sand dunes of South Stradbroke Island yesterday to pick up the story of the world’s most famous gorilla.

The Hollywood production, starring Tom Hiddleston, John Goodman and Samuel L Jackson, quietly slipped into town last week and wasted no time shooting action sequences. Private security guards and a large police presence surrounded the closed set, which was erected about 1km south of Jumpinpin.

“You could not get near the places at all, there were police and security absolutely everywhere,” one visitor to the island told the Gold Coast Bulletin yesterday.

But there was no sighting of the titular character himself, who will be recreated with Computer Generated Imagery. The new film takes place decades after the 1930s-set original story. The film, directed by Jordan Charles Vogt-Roberts is earmarked for release on March 10, 2017.

“They began filming here last week and they built up a small tent city on Stradbroke Island,” an industry insider told The Gold Coast Bulletin.

“Filming should keep going until the end of January when the production bumps out but expect several of the stars to stick around.”

It is understood filming will continue on the Gold Coast until the end of the month when the production moves on to Vietnam.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk last year confirmed the film would have a $15 million economic injection into the state’s economy.




с режиссером Пауло Соррентино

Thou shalt not freeze! Jude Law adds a padded jacket to his papal robes as he battles the cold weather in Venice while filming The Young Pope 

The papal vestments of his character Pope Pius XII have become a familiar sight. But Jude Law was forced to add a slightly less traditional garment to his on-set wardrobe on Thursday morning, in Venice, as he filmed scenes for The Young Pope. Currently filming scenes in the Italian city for the religious mini-series, the 43-year-old actor donned a warm padded jacket to combat the freezing weather - lending a rather strange look to his spiritual guise.

Taking place outdoors in St. Mark's Square, in the early hours of the morning, the cast and crew were forced to compete against the elements as they pushed ahead with the shoot. Clad in the traditional robes of the Bishop Of Rome, Jude's wardrobe included a cassock and a pellegrina (a short monastic shoulder cape), while he also wore a pair of traditional soft red leather shoes.

With his hair swept into a slick side-parting, the Black Sea actor also sported a white Zucchetto (skull cap). And while Jude was every bit the consummate professional when the camera's were rolling, he was forced to add an unusual item to the Pope's traditional 'house dress' in-between takes. 

18.12.2015 - Съемки в ЮАР



The Young Pope will see Jude Law's fictional Pontiff take his spiritual quest outside the confines of the Italian capital, as the actor was seen filming on-location in South Africa, on Friday (18.12.2015). Dressed in full costume on the sweltering set, located just outside of Cape Town, the 42-year-old Sherlock Holmes star shot new scenes for the mini-series alongside other members of the cast

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