
понедельник, 18 апреля 2016 г.

Бен Барнс на вечеринке фотографа Франческо Каррозини, Джерард Батлер чествует продюсера Ави Лернера, Беверли Хиллз,14-16.04.2016


Сыграв итальянского бостонского мафиози Ника Тортано с непростой судьбой в фильме "Знает только Бог", английский актер Бен Барнс оказался в орбите итальянской диаспоры в Лос-Анджелесе. 14 апреля его пригласили на вечеринку (Francesco Carrozzini‘s celebratory dinner), которую устраивал фотограф Франческо Каррозини в частной резиденции в Беверли Хиллз. Событием для вечеринки послужило назначение Франческо креативным директором Peroni Nastro Azzurro в "Доме Peroni", его работа начнется в сентябре этого года в Нью-Йорке. Джерард Батлер эти выходные тоже провел с пользой для общего продюсерского дела. 16 апреля состоялась гала-вчеринка в честь кампании Millennium Films и продюсера Ави Лернера (Gala to honor Avi Lerner and Millennium Films) все там же, в Беверли Хиллз. Батлер любит пошутить на фотоколлах, вот и здесь он научил Ави Лернера стойки Zoolander 'blue steel'. Батлер-то известный "образцовый самец", а вот для 68-летнего Ави такой опыт был, наверное, первый :) Лернер (284 спродюсированных фильма) и кампания Millennium Films в последнее время были причастны ко всем частям "Неудержимых", а так же к "Падению Олимпа" и "Падению Лондона", в которых Батлер принял участие. Фото смотрим под катом



Ben Barnes and Devon Aoki.

Francesco Carrozzini‘s celebratory dinner held on Thursday (April 14) at a private residence in Beverly Hills, Calif. The event was held to announce the photographer’s appointment as Creative Director for Peroni Nastro Azzurro’s ‘House of Peroni,’ coming this September to New York City. Also in attendance were Ben Barnes and Devon Aoki.




Strike a pose: Pointing directly into the lens, the men performed their best Zoolander 'blue steel' impression

If the wind changes, you'll stay like that! Gerard Butler pulls funny faces during gala to honor film producer Avi Lerner

There is no doubt he is a handsome Hollywood star. But Gerard Butler wasn't trading on his looks when he attended a red carpet event in Los Angeles on Saturday evening. The 46 year-old pulled some funny faces as he attended a Gala to honor Avi Lerner and Millennium Films in Beverly Hills, California.

The 46 year-old hunk cut a dapper figure in a three-piece grey suit which he teamed with a crisp white shirt and a matching tie. Posing up a storm at The Beverly Hills Hotel, he was clearly enjoying himself as he split his time by looking suave and jokey. At one point the Scottish-born was deliberately gurning as he made onlookers laugh. 

Joining the veteran film-maker on stage, the two men laughed and joked as they recreated silly poses for the cameras. This included pointing directly into the lens and performing their best Zoolander 'blue steel' impression. Amazingly, despite all this, he still managed to look impossibly sexy and dapper. 

Lerner is one of Hollywood's most prolific film-makers, having been at the helm of Olympus Has Fallen and The Expendables. And, while Gerard has certainly enjoyed his own successes, his latest outing comes just weeks after his fantasy flick Gods Of Egypt flopped with a flaccid $14 million opening weekend.

According to Variety, studio Lionsgate had hoped to replace its departing mega hit Divergent and Hunger Games franchises, with a number of sequels in mind. 

But after barely making one-tenth of its $140million budget back, that now looks unlikely.
Despite being in its third week, Deadpool still managed to make more than twice as much as Gods Of Egypt, raking in $31.5million in the opening weekend alone. 

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