
вторник, 5 апреля 2016 г.

Джерард Батлер и режиссер Бабак Наджафи на пресс-конференции и премьере фильма "Падение Лондона" в Пекине и Гонконге, 31.03-02.04.2016

Восток - дело тонкое и прибыльное, если там идут в прокате ваши фильмы :) Вот и Джерард Батлер и режиссер картины Бабак Наджафи удостоились чести посетить Китай и Гонконг. 31 марта 2016 года в Пекине прошла пресс-конференция и показ-премьера фильма "Падение Лондона" (London Has Fallen). Но перед этим, актера и группу сопровождения, конечно же, сводили на площадь Тяньаньмень и организовали тур на Великую Китайскую Стену. Как сообщает портал gbutler.ru: "Китайские СМИ отметили, что по сравнению со своим героем, храбрым холодным крутым парнем, Джерард оказался очень любезным, с чувством юмора, красавцем. На конференции Джерард обратился к китайцам с сердечным приветствием, отметил, что ему очень нравится Китай. И хотя до этого он был в Гонконге и Шанхае,  в Пекине в первый раз  и восхищен этим городом. Ведущий поинтересовался у режиссера Бабака Наджафи, будут ли снимать продолжение "Падение Лондона" и где планируется очередное "падение", Бабак со смехом ответил: "Падение Пекина?". Ведущий сказал: "Вы должны быть осторожны", чем развеселил аудиторию". 02 апреля Батлер был уже в Гонконге. Конечно, бывшая английская колония, как родного встречала шотландца :) Там была своя атмосфера и Батлер смог оторваться в кругу красивых девушек и креативных молодых людей. Фото и видео смотрим под катом



02.04.2016 - ГОНКОНГ / HONG KONG

Mans with a vision: actor Simon Yam and the film's director Babak Najafi attended the party as well

Gerard Butler cuts a rugged figure in a leather jacket and trousers as he promotes London Has Fallen in Hong Kong

He has a signature suave yet rugged look. And Gerard Butler didn't deviate from his carefully crafted image when he arrived at a party to promote his latest action flick, London Has Fallen, in Hong Kong on Saturday. Stepping out in a smart-casual ensemble, the 46-year-old actor opted for a slightly laid-back air as he left a dusting of stubble on his jawline.




( more pics in the gallery )

31.03.2016 - ПЕКИН / BEIJING


Gerard Butler attends the premiere 'London Has Fallen' on March 31, 2016 in Beijing, China

Gerard Butler appeared Beijing time to visit the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square

China News Network :
Beijing BEIJING, March 31 (Reporter Zhang Xi) 31, the Hollywood movie “London Fall” premiere conference held in Beijing, the director Babak non-Naga and actor Gerard Butler attend to help out. Turning the play between agents Banning and President Arthur “base situation radiance,” the plot, played by Gerard Butler Banning explained: “That is the brotherhood, is a friend through thick and thin.”
Gerard Butler denies the film “base situation radiance”

“London Fall” tells the story follows the US president went to London to attend the funeral agents Banning, accidentally discovered a group of terrorists plot, so together British intelligence agency, the resolution of this crisis is about to sweep the globe.

Gerard Butler, who played in the “300” in the Spartan King Leonidas popular corner, then “Olympus fall” in the outstanding performance, this time in “London fall”, he continued tough guy image of the show, played around the president agents Banning.

“Very difficult to play this role.” Gerrard admitted, because Banning hand to protect the country, on the one hand to take care of the family, so to always convert, “but it also allows people more plentiful, and more Aspect.” Asked whether the two “base situation radiance,” Gerrard smiled and said: “Not what you think, ‘they’ are friends through thick and thin, to face crises and challenges, I call it a brotherhood.”

In addition, when it comes to Beijing for the first time the mood, Gerrard said he was going to visit the Great Wall and Tiananmen Square.

Director Babak non-Naga said that because of the Chinese martial arts themselves more interested, so ten years to Beijing. He admitted that favorite Chinese actor Jackie Chan, look forward to the opportunity to work together.

Movie “London Fall” is directed by Babak Naga’s first non-English films, as an Iranian-born Swedish director, bluntly because English is not his native language, “so to pay ten times the effort when shooting, let everyone satisfied . “

Speaking “London Fall” special effects compared to the previous one “Olympus fall” breakthrough when Babak said with a smile this question was not answered, “It was a sequel, but the outset as part of the film independent film designed for. “



Actor Gerard Butler attends 'London Has Fallen' press conference on March 31, 2016 in Beijing, China.

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