
суббота, 14 мая 2016 г.

Первый взгляд: Джим Стерджесс в сериале "Накорми зверя" (Feed the Beast) - постеры, кадры из фильма, промо-видео

Джим Стерджесс не балует своих фанатов частыми появлениями на экранах. Его последний фильм вышел в 2014 году и назывался "Похищение Фредди Хэйникена". Зато 2016 год у актера урожайный на фильмы: "Геошторм", "Лондонские поля", сериалы "Накорми зверя" (Feed the Beast ) и Close to the Enemy. Вот об одном из них мы сегодня и поговорим. Итак, 5 июня выйдут в свет первые две серии нового мини-сериала "Накорми зверя" (Feed the Beast). Почему-то нас не удивляет гастрономическая тема, которая всеми возможными способами эксплуатировалась Голливудом в 2015 году. В главных ролях Дэвид Швиммер, Джим Стёрджесс и Эрин Каммингс (Спартак). История повествует о двух закадычных друзьях, которые стремятся осуществить свою давнюю мечту - открыть собственный ресторан в Бронксе в Нью-Йорке. Дион (Стёрджесс) — великолепный шеф-повар, у которого, правда, большие проблемы с мафией и законом. Томми (Швиммер) - первоклассный сомелье, а ещё так и не оправившийся после смерти жены вдовец, в одиночку воспитывающий сына-подростка. Сценаристом и шоураннером проекта является Клайд Филлипс ("Декстер", "Сестра Джеки"). Студия АМС перед премьерой решила сделать массированное промо сериала, и у нее это получилось. Кадры из фильма, постер, а так же промо-видео смотрите под катом



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ramascreen.com: “Feed the Beast” tells the story of Tommy (Schwimmer) and Dion (Sturgess) who are like brothers. With all the love – and all the complications – that comes with it. Dion can’t stay out of trouble. Tommy can’t move past it. For two friends on the brink of losing everything, a dusty pipe dream of opening up an upscale restaurant in their hometown of the Bronx is all they have left to turn their lives around. They push each other to follow through on their dreams, welcome love into their lives, and overcome their demons. They also betray, backstab, manipulate and coerce each other into the most dangerous situations imaginable. For Tommy, a successful haute Hellenic restaurant is his means to give his son a life he never had. For Dion, this venture is a perfect opportunity to secretly repay his debt to the Mob. Together, they take on the insanity of the New York restaurant world, and navigate its underbelly of petty criminals, corrupt officials and violent mobsters. With the vig running, there’s more than food, wine and fresh starts on the line. One wrong move and people get chopped.

“Under Clyde’s creative leadership, “Feed the Beast” is a layered character piece and a highly entertaining story,” said Joel Stillerman, president of original programming and development for AMC and SundanceTV. ‘To have David Schwimmer and Jim Sturgess along with the rest of our wonderful cast bringing this story to life is incredibly exciting, and we can’t wait to get started in a few weeks.”

“‘Feed The Beast’ is the kind of provocative, premium quality series that has become a Lionsgate trademark,” said Lionsgate Television Group Chairman Kevin Beggs. ‘We’re delighted to expand our relationship with the iconic Clyde Phillips, excited to work with this bold ensemble cast led by the incomparable David Schwimmer and including the incredibly talented Jim Sturgess, and thrilled to bring this fast-paced drama about food, friends and family to life with our longtime partners at AMC.”

“David and Jim are each incredibly talented actors whose careers span theater, film and television. But more importantly, they both possess an inherent honesty and vulnerability in their craft which are essential in the flawed characters of Tommy and Dion,” said Clyde Phillips, executive producer and showrunner. “Their grasp of the story, and their respective characters’ journeys, is something I’m very eager to dive into with them.”




In AMC’s new series Feed The Beast, Tommy Moran (Schwimmer), a semi-alcoholic widower who dreams of being a top sommelier and opens a restaurant with his old friend; Dion Patras (Sturgess), Tommy’s ne’er-do-well pal and a gifted chef who just got of jail but is still making seriously poor decisions; and Patrick Woichik (Gladis), a gangster who’s owed a lot of money by Dion and gifted with the nickname “The Tooth Fairy” for a very good reason


Jim Sturgess happily gets together with co-star David Schwimmer while attending their Meet and Eat event for Feed The Beast held at Kaufman Astoria Studios on Monday (May 9) in New York City.

The 37-year-old actor and David, 49, were joined at the event by their other cast mates Michael Gladis, David Stark, Lorenza Izzo, and Christine Adams.


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