
четверг, 8 сентября 2016 г.

Эйдан Тернер на съемках нового эпизода 3 сезона сериала "Полдарк" (Poldark) в графстве Глостершир, Англия, 05.09.2016

В воскресенье 04 сентября на телеканале ITV была показана 1 серия 3 сезона сериала "Полдарк" (Poldark), которую посмотрели больше 5 миллионов зрителей. Люди еще не успели переварить 1 серию, как уже снимается 3. 05 сентября в графстве Глостершир,  что в Англии, снимались эпизоды со стрельбой и скачками. Дабы сильно не рисковать главным героем Россом Полдарком, которого играет Эйдан Тернер, после нескольких эпизодов артист поменялся местами со своим двойником-каскадером. Так же в сериал вошла новая героиня, которая будет играть гувернантку, в исполнении молодой актрисы Эллис Чэппелл (Ellise Chappell). Сериал "Полдарк" обязан Эйдану Тернеру своими рейтингами. Сам того не желая, актер снял рубашку во время сцены покоса в 1 сезоне (жарко однако в рубахе махать косой на солнечном луге :) обнажив свой торс. И все.., началось умопомрачение под названием "голая грудь и спина Эйдана". Фотографии сразу же стали "вирусными" и рейтинги сериала взлетели до небес :) Сам ирландец потом в одном из интервью оправдывался, что он не хотел привносить еще большую сексуальность образу Росса Полдарка, но так уж получилось... А народ-то и вовсе остался не в накладе, всем понравилось :) Фото со съемочной площадки смотрим под катом


05.09.2016 - Съемки в графстве Глостершир

Hunky Aidan Turner requires a little help from a lookalike stunt double as he films horseriding scenes

His naked torso and daring deeds have helped Poldark to shoot to success. But it seems that even Aidan Turner needs a helping hand at times, as the actor was seen switching places with a stunt double ahead of some horse riding scenes, in Gloucestershire, on Monday. Sat astride a towering black charger, the 33-year-old star initially filmed some shots riding himself, but it seems the rest of the scene called for a more experienced hand.

In-between takes the actor, who starred in fantasy action romp The Hobbit, clambered down off of his steed - making way for a stunt double.

Dressed in identical outfits of dark indigo great coats, waistcoats, breeches and boots, the two were impossible to tell apart. Though it seems that the production staff were keen for Aidan to do some riding, the stunt man was clearly expected to do some of the more dare-devil moments on camera. 

Aidan, who plays the lead role of Captain Ross Poldark, looked in high spirits, and could be seen smiling as he worked through the scene. Though the cast and crew may have been forgiven for mixing him up with his stunt man, as the mystery man was the star's doppelganger. Despite the series being set in Cornwall, cast and crew were shooting in Tetbury with new character Morwenna (Ellise Chappell who plays Elizabeth's cousin) also spotted on set holding a baby.

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Decked out: Ellise Chappell as Morwenna was dressed in a floral dress and hat for filming

Stripping off while labouring in the fields as his soldier character Ross, Aidan exhibited his impressively ripped torso - with a picture of his muscles soon going viral after the episode. However Turner himself admitted that his character's baring of skin was not intentional, but was actually his own idea for practicality. Speaking to The Mirror, the star, admitted: 'It was probably a huge mistake. But Poldark's out in the fields, it's a really hot day, there's a lot of work, and it wouldn't have made sense with a top on.' 'It was never supposed to be sexually provocative.' 


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