
вторник, 8 ноября 2016 г.

Бенедикт Камбербэтч "отжег" по полной программе на шоу Saturday Night Live, Нью-Йорк, 05 ноября 2016 года

Если вас приглашают стать главным действующим лицом, актером и ведущим программы Saturday Night Live (SNL), значит ваша жизнь и попадание в голливудский список А преподнесли вам сюрприз - вы стали окончательно ЗНАМЕНИТЫ! SNL - вечерняя музыкально-юмористическая передача, являющаяся одной из самых популярных и долгоиграющих в истории телевидения США. Премьера шоу состоялась в октябре 1975 года, и с тех пор программа не переставала выходить в эфир. В этот раз посчастливилось Бенедикту Камбербэтчу и Соланж Ноулз. 05 ноября состоялся эфир этого шоу в Нью-Йорке и мы увидели Бенедикта во многих эпостасях: стриптизер, тайный агент, профессор с не той ориентацией, рок-звезда, аристократ и многие другие, но мозг зрителям взорвала пародия на рекламу Apple "1984 Macintosh computer commercial". Одно могу сказать, надо жить в Америке или следить за их передачами, чтобы понять, о чем намекают и откровенно пародируют на этом шоу. Итак, американский юмор с британским акцентом на фото и видео смотрим под катом 



05.11.2016 - SNL (ЭФИР)

Benedict Cumberbatch on SNL 2016 05 11 Full

Benedict Cumberbatch's 'SNL' Monologue Song Is A Catchy Intro For The Star

The time has finally come: Benedict Cumberbatch can add being a Saturday Night Live host to his already long and accomplished resume. The Marvel's Doctor Strange superstar hosted the Nov. 5 episode of the NBC variety series and he opened his first time on the show with a catchy introduction song. Benedict Cumberbatch's SNL monologue song showed the actor has a sense of humor about himself — and used the opportunity to introduce himself to a wider audience. Joined by back-up singers that included Leslie Jones, Cumberbatch engaged in what he called the America art of "bragging" while set to music.

When the British actor took the stage, he told the audience he was happy to be there during the "last week of america as we know it." Cumberbatch also gave viewers his advice for Election day: "I tell you what we Brits do when the going gets tough and the world is crashing down around us — we drink. We drink so much." After that, he decided to introduce himself to viewers to song as an Oscar nominee and CBE, which he described as "it's sort of like being a knight but lower." Jones, though, was the most impressed with him and called herself a "Cumberb*tch." Cumberbatch did not approve of the use of that fandom name — and admitted to being a "little unsettled" by some fan fiction.

Benedict Cumberbatch Spoofs Apple’s 1984 Commercial In ‘SNL’ Toilet Ad

Benedict Cumberbatch can even make a toilet look cool. The British actor appeared to spoof Apple’s famous 1984 Macintosh computer commercial to show off the latest in sanitation fixtures on “Saturday Night Live.” Introducing... the aptly-named “Koohl Toilet.”

Русская озвучка


Watch ‘SNL’ Attempt to Figure Out Why Benedict Cumberbatch Is Hot 

Just what exactly is the deal with everybody’s sexual obsession with Benedict Cumberbatch? In search of answers on this week’s “Saturday Night Live,” cast member Beck Bennett set up a fake game show called “Why Is Benedict Cumberbatch Hot?”

“I’m your host Beck Bennett. And welcome to my brand new game show where I try to get to the bottom of something that’s been throwing me for a loop all week,” Bennett opened before introducing the three contestants and describing the premise of the show.

“Every girl on the cast has been so horny for this dude all week,” Bennett continued, totally failing to hide his own vested interest in the topic. “So as a guy, I’m just kind of trying to figure that out.”

Watch: “The return of Chad” with Benedict Cumberbatch On NBC “Saturday Night Live” 

We last saw this Pete Davidson character during the Julia Louis-Dreyfus show from last season, as he was a pool boy who she poured her heart out to while he just kind of sat there and said almost nothing. When we knew the whole game of this sketch in advance, there’s not nearly as much to be excited about when we actually see it. The first version was far funnier, even if Benedict did the best he could with the material.

Surprise Bachelorette - SNL

A grandmother (Aidy Bryant) doesn't take well to her surprise bachelorette party, complete with strippers (Benedict Cumberbatch, Mikey Day, Anthony Rizzo, David Ross, Dexter Fowler)


Watch: “Fancy dinner” with Benedict Cumberbatch On NBC “Saturday Night Live”

Cumberbatch was back here in the role of a rock-star illusionist and his date (Strong) who apparently knew Kenan Thompson’s normal-guy character from a body-praising workshop. We’ve seen variations of this all season, where the crazy characters do crazy things while the normal people are eventually won over by them. There were some moderate laughs in here thanks to the magic trick and Cecily’s singing, but nothing revolutionary.

See if Benedict Cumberbatch can pull off being a criminal mastermind in this latest SNL skit

The SNL writers must have been watching Die Hard with a Vengeance on cable recently, because Cumberbatch is clearly playing the Jeremy Irons riddle-making villain role to Beck Bennett’s John McClane knock-off. If you’re old enough to remember that ancient sequel, you’ll laugh a lot. If not…just trust us old-timers that it’s pretty funny.

Watch: “Meeting Mr. Shaw” with Benedict Cumberbatch On NBC “Saturday Night Live”


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