
понедельник, 6 марта 2017 г.

На съемочной площадке: Колин Ферт и Хью Грант в сиквеле " Love Actually" в Лондоне, Идрис Эльба на съемках "Темной башни" в Лос-Анджелесе.


После большого перерыва Идрис Эльба вернулся к съемкам фантастического боевика по произведениям Стивена Кинга "Темная башня" (The Dark Tower). 04 марта его видели на съемочной площадке в Лос-Анджелесе, где он поедал хотдог в перерыве между съемками. Еще одна радостная новость пришла из Лондона. Режиссер Ричард Кёртис решил в 10-и минутном скетче рассказать о том, что стало с главными героями фильма "Реальная любовь" (Love Actually) через 14 лет. Напомним, что в фильме 8 любовных историй и главные герои, которых сыграли Хью Грант, Билл Найи, Лиам Нисон, Эмма Томпсон, Колин Фёрт, Алан Рикман, Мартина МакКачон, Кира Найтли. Эмма Томпсон отказалась сняться в сиквеле из-за смерти Алана Рикмана. Остальные герои уже приступили к съемкам в Лондоне. 04 марта Килина Ферта и Хью Гранта видели на съемочной площадке в BBC Langham Place Piazza. Премьера сиквела состоится уже 24 марта на телеканале BBC One. Выпуск фильма приурочен к благотворительной акции День красного носа и поможет собрать средства для организации Comic Relief. Фото смотрим под катом

04.03.2017 - На съемках сиквела "Реальная любовь" (Love Actually)



Colin Firth had so much fun shooting a Love Actually Comic Relief sketch! The 56-year-old actor – who filmed the Love Actually movie more than 13 years ago – was all smiles on the set of the reboot on Saturday (March 4) at the BBC Langham Place Piazza in London, England.

Colin, who portrays Jamie in the story, sported a grey knitted sweater and thick-framed glasses as he got into character and rehearsed his lines. Colin has also begun shooting Mary Poppins Returns, set for release on Christmas Day 2018. Read the full synopsis here.


They're married! Martine McCutcheon and Hugh Grant reveal they have got married as they reprised their Love Actually characters Natalie and David to film the Comic Relief sequel on Saturday

Doing his bit: The broadcaster also emulated the view of beloved fans as she wrote beside an image of Hugh conducting a speech: 'And here he is. Our Prime Minister. Again. And still hot'

First look: The short's director Emma Freud shared images from shooting on her Twitter page on Sunday

No holding back: The scene was jam-packed full of extra characters, proving the new clip to not be done half-heartedly

Лусия Монис (пассия Колина Ферта в "Реальной любви")

The Love Actually reboot has sent fans into a frenzy, with a host of stars confirming their return, including Hugh Grant, Keira Knightley, Andrew Lincoln, Lucia Moniz, Liam Neeson, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Olivia Olson, Bill Nighy, Marcus Brigstocke and Rowan Atkinson. 

However Emma Thompson made the decision to not take part in the film in light of fan favourite Alan Rickman's tragic passing last year.

The pair's storyline, one of the most hard-hitting in the film, saw Rickman's Harry cheat on his wife, Karen (Emma) with his secretary. 

Discussing the choice on Loose Women, Martine explained: ‘Emma Thompson said she’d prefer not to as it wouldn’t be the same without Alan Rickman.' 

Several stars have been seen filming for the reboot of Love Actually so far - including Colin Firth, who looked in good spirits as he reprised his role of Jamie, who fell in love with his Portuguese housekeeper Aurelia. 

The film follows the lives of eight very different couples in dealing with their love lives in various loosely interrelated tales all set during a frantic month before Christmas in London. 
Director and screenwriter Richard Curtis revealed that he thoroughly enjoyed working on the script for the 10-minute sequel. 

He said: 'Over the years, I've enjoyed doing Red Nose Day specials of TV things I've worked on - Blackadder, The Vicar Of Dibley and Mr Bean. 

'It seemed like a fun idea this year to do a special sketch based on one of my films, since Red Nose Day is now in both the UK and America. 

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04.03.2017 - Съемки "Темной башни" в Лос-Анджелесе



Idris Elba as he jumped straight into shooting scenes for his new action movie The Dark Tower in Los Angeles on Saturday. However, like any good movie hero they too need a break and the British star proved no different as he munched on a baguette while sipping on a soft drink in between scenes for the science fantasy western horror film. 

Based on the Stephen King book series by the same name, the 44-year-old appeared at ease as he took a moment between takes to get his energy up with his treats of choice. The Wire star - who plays lone frontiersman knight Roland Deschain in the flick -donned a heavy calf-length black mac for filming, which was splattered and tainted with dust.

Wearing a number of layers, he sported a padded waistcoat and utility belt over his scratched leather pants, while a crowd appeared to form around the film's set. Looking as though his character had been rolling around in the dirt, Idris completed his costume with white blood stained wraps around his hands and a bag draped across his body, resting on his back.


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