
четверг, 29 июня 2017 г.

Дэниел Крейг во 2 официальном трейлере фильма "Удача Логанов" (Logan Lucky)

Studiocanal выпустила 2 официальный трейлер фильма "Удача Логанов" (Logan Lucky) для Великобритании. Новый фильм Стивена Содерберга (его первая работа с 2013 года) был написан сценаристом Ребеккой Блант, на главные роли пригласили таких звезд, как Чаннинг Татум и Адама Драйвера. Они сыграют двух братьев, которые решили изменить семейное проклятие и совершить сложное ограбление во время гонки  Coca-Cola 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway.  Кроме того, фильм выглядит как приятное изменение темпа и амплуа для Дэниела Крейга, который играет роль эксперта-подрывника Джо Бэнга. В фильме также участвуют Сет Макфарлейн, Райли Кео, Кэти Холмс, Кэтрин Уотерстон, Дуайт Йоакам, Себастьян Стэн, Брайан Глисон, Джек Куэйд и Хилари Суонк. "Удача Логанов" стартует в кинотеатрах 18 августа. 




The Logan’s are a blue-collar family from the hills of West Virginia, and their clan has been famous for its bad luck for nearly 90 years. But the conniving Jimmy Logan (Channing Tatum) decides it’s time to turn the family’s luck around, and with a little help from his friends, the Redneck Robbers, he plans to steal $14 million from the Charlotte Motor Speedway on the busiest race day of the year.

A heist movie with a difference: Steven Soderbergh, the director of the Ocean’s Eleven trilogy and an A-list cast including Channing Tatum, Daniel Craig and Adam Driver deliver a smart, thrilling and funny blue-collar story of an audacious multi-million dollar robbery.



Studiocanal has released the UK trailer for Logan Lucky. Steven Soderbergh’s new film (his first feature since 2013) was written by Rebecca Blunt and stars Channing Tatum and Adam Driver as two brothers who set out to reverse a family curse and pull off an elaborate robbery during the Coca-Cola 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway.

The movie looks like an absolute blast and Soderbergh clearly hasn’t missed a beat since his hiatus (although it’s not like he truly retired; he just went and made the acclaimed TV series The Knick). It looks silly, fun, and in the same vein as the Ocean’s movies, but with a different attitude and sensibility that should make Logan Lucky feel like a fresh experience. Hopefully we won’t have to wait another four years for Soderbergh’s follow-up.

Also, the film looks like a welcome change of pace for Daniel Craig, who stars a convict and explosives expert Joe Bang. Although Craig has found a lot of success with the James Bond franchise, outside of those movies, he’s struggled to leave a mark with misfires such as Dream House, Cowboys & Aliens, and The Invasion. But it looks like he’s having a ball playing Bang.

 The film also stars Seth MacFarlane, Riley Keough, Katie Holmes, Katherine Waterston, Dwight Yoakam, Sebastian Stan, Brian Gleeson, Jack Quaid, and Hilary Swank. Logan Lucky opens in theaters on August 18th.


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