
пятница, 2 июня 2017 г.

Театральные будни Эндрю Гарфилда в Лондоне, 25-30.05.2017

Эндрю Гарфилд никак не мог поверить своей удаче, когда ему предложили роль в классическом спектакле "Ангелы в Америке" в Национальном театре в Лондоне. Он думал, что расставание с Голливудом будет трудным, но тут после 10 лет его снова пригласили играть на сцене.  Как сказал сам актер: "Это была та роль, от которой я не смог отказаться, у меня просто не было выбора!" Эндрю играет роль Прайора Уолтера - гея с диагнозом СПИД в Америке восьмидесятых, которого бросил его бойфренд, и который столкнулся с ангелом-бюрократом, уговаривающего стать его пророком. Театральная постановка длится эпических семь с половиной часов. Но помимо этого Эндрю умудряется встречаться с фанатами, раздавать автографы после спектакля. а еще участвовать в шоу Werq the World Tour show (шоу трансвеститов), которое проходило 30 мая в Лондоне. Гарфилд с удовольствием перевоплотился в Уитни Хьюстон и исполнил песню  "I’m Every Woman". Эндрю был в аудитории со своими коллегами по спектаклю "Ангелы в Америке" Натаном Стюарт-Джарреттом и Расселом Тови. Хозяйка шоу Мишель Виас разместила с ним и Лаверн Кокс фотографию в Instagram написав: "Какое шоу, какая ночь! Спасибо, как всегда. ТЫ МОЕ СЕРДЦЕ И ДУША. Эндрю Гарфилд, ты мой новый друг, я так горжусь тобой!" Фото и видео смотрим под катом




Публикация от RoselynLi (@bunnieruozhu)

Andrew Garfield and Nathan Lane headline a return to the National Theatre for Tony Kushner’s landmark opus set in New York at the height of the AIDS crisis.
It’s been 25 years since Millennium Approaches, the first part of Tony Kushner’s inimitable, Pulitzer Prize-winning masterwork, first played at London’s National Theatre, with its second part, Perestroika, opening the following year. Yet this new production of the diptych is no mere exercise in nostalgia. For a work known for its blend of mordant reality and fantasy, personal and political, theatricality and endurance-challenging ambition, now reveals another characteristic: prescience.

While set during the Reagan era, the play is horribly applicable to the first querulous, worrying days of the Donald Trump administration. “Everything’s become unglued,” says the pivotal character, a 30-year-old gay man stricken with AIDS in New York in 1985. Says another: “In the new century, I think we will all be insane.” Who today wouldn’t nod their heads at those sentiments?

And as Kushner’s characters navigate questions of race, gender and sexual identity, all within a climate of intolerance (Reagan, the president who preferred to pretend that HIV did not exist), their questioning, uncertainty and anger seem no less relevant today.

Thus this exhilarating production revels in the play’s essential qualities — directed by Marianne Elliot with the theatrical chutzpah it demands and with an ensemble coaxing every ounce of foible and gallows humor out of their characters — while serving as a reminder that we’re still not out of the woods.

As its full title suggests, Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes is about more than the AIDS crisis in the mid-'80s. Among other things, Kushner uses the epidemic as a springboard to discuss the wide-ranging malaise of the archly conservative Reagan era, with its socially debilitating emphasis on individualism and self-interest.

His prism is the way in which a handful of characters navigate HIV and other personal crises. Prior Walter (Andrew Garfield) is the young man with AIDS, who in his moment of greatest need is deserted by his lover Louis Ironson (James McArdle), a man with an interminable flow of left-leaning rhetoric but no spine. Joe Pitt (Russell Tovey) is a Reaganite Mormon lawyer and closet gay (surely one of the great character outlines in drama), whose agoraphobic and Valium-addicted wife Harper (Denise Gough) is being worn down by his deceit. Joe’s mentor, the powerful and corrupt lawyer Roy Cohn (Nathan Lane) also has AIDS, which he refuses to acknowledge — insisting that he has liver cancer — just as he refuses to acknowledge his sexuality; yet he doesn’t think twice about using his clout to acquire a personal stash of AZT, an early HIV drug neither affordable nor widely available at the time.


Andrew Garfield signs autographs for fans | National Theatre, London


Andrew Garfield lip sync Whitney Houston's ''I'm Every Woman''

Andrew Garfield is giving us LIFE right now.

The 33-year-old Oscar-nominated actor totally slayed while dressing up in drag and lip-syncing Whitney Houston‘s “I’m Every Woman” during the Werq the World Tour show on Tuesday night (May 30) in London, England.

He put on a curly wig and went all out, even doing impressive back-flips on stage!

Andrew was in the audience with his Angels in America co-stars Nathan Stewart-Jarrett and Russell Tovey.

The show’s host, Michelle Viasge, posted an Instagram pic with him and Laverne Cox backstage, writing, “What a show, what a night! Thank you as always 🇬🇧 YOU ARE MY HEART AND SOUL. Andrew Garfield, you are my new friend, I am SO proud of you for not just lip syncing Whitney tonight in a wig no less, but for opening your mind and heart to all it has to offer.”


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