
четверг, 9 ноября 2017 г.

Промо "Thor: Ragnarok": Том Хиддлстон и Ко на шоу The Late Late Show with James Corden

Ведущий передачи "The Late Late Show with James Corden" Джеймс Корден очень любит собирать звезд и заниматься с ними всякой развязной идиотией. На этот раз в честь выхода картины "Тор: Рагнарёк" (Thor: Ragnarok) Тайки Вайтити Корден взял на себя роль режиссера и решил показать несчастным зрителям небольшого кинотеатра фильм в формате 4D с участием основного актерского состава. Поначалу, когда вместо фильма про бога-громовержца на экране появилось гигантское лицо Кордена, люди недоумевали и закатывали глаза, но, когда на сцене появился Крис Хемсворт в дурацком парике, все заметно расслабились. В представлении приняли участие Том Хиддлстон, Тесса Томпсон и Марк Руффало. Особенно прекрасный выход получился у Джеффа Голдблюма. Из всех актеров только Кейт Бланшетт явно сомневалась, что это удачная затея. Фото и видео с этого мероприятия смотрим под катом



Thor: Ragnarok is now in theaters and the main cast members, including Chris Hemsworth, celebrated by performing a live “4D version” of the movie for the latest episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden! A movie theater full of fans thought they were just seeing an advance screening of the film, but they were surprised when James interrupted the movie and introduced the cast on stage for the live staging. Chris was joined by his co-stars Cate Blanchett as Hela, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk, and Jeff Goldblum as The Grandmaster.

A small movie theater audience at The Grove in California took their seats for Thor: Ragnarok, but instead witnessed what James Corden called “the future of 4D entertainment.” Channeling a similar persona to the “Crosswalk Theater” sketches, the Late Late Show host brought out Chris Hemsworth and the main cast of the Marvel film to perform Thor: Ragnarok live.

“Will they be mad that I’m interrupting the film? Possibly,” Corden said as his production crew set up cardboard stage props. “You know, wherever there is change, people will call it disruption. So I guess, you know, what I’m saying is who gives a f—?”

The audience was utterly perplexed as the opening of Thor: Ragnarok cut out to reveal Corden announcing the surprise performance. But they soon cheered up when Hemsworth (Thor), Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Cate Blanchett (Hela), Jeff Goldblum (The Grandmaster), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), and Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie) all came out from behind the curtains in low-budget costumes.

“Is James the best director I’ve ever worked for? It’s a tough question,” Hiddleston asked himself backstage. “He’s certainly a director I’ve worked for.”

Most seemed to be into it — Goldblum even sat with the audience for part of the show for one of the Goldblum-iest moments. “Oh, I remember this part in the movie,” he exclaimed while munching on popcorn. Blanchett, however, thought it more of a “huge mistake.”

“I think those poor people just want to watch the movie,” she said.

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