
понедельник, 30 апреля 2018 г.

Тихие радости: Орландо Блум и Кэти Перри в Риме, Италия, Дэниел Крейг в барбер-шопе в Нью-Йорке, 26-28.04.2018


28 апреля Орландо Блума и Кэти Перри папарацци застукали в Италии. Парочка гуляла по Риму, посетила Колизей, в планах у них так же был запланирован визит в Ватикан. Достопримечательности посмотреть? А может дело совсем в другом?! Орландо Блум и Кэти Перри готовятся к свадьбе! Об этом рассказала сама Кэти во время телешоу Entertainment Tonight. Ведущая программы спросила, не желает ли Перри немного пофлиртовать с конкурсантами шоу, на что певица заявила: "Определенно нет. Я помолвлена и очень счастлива". Тогда ведущая переспросила, действительно ли Кэти и Орландо обручились, и Перри подтвердила ранее сказанные слова. Поп-звезда не рассказала, на какую дату назначена свадьба, но поклонники певицы и актера уже ликуют от этой новости. Поживем, увидим. А вот у Дэниела Крейга все стабильно и предсказуемо. Скоро родится  ребенок, пара скрывает пол будущего младенца, и сроки съемок Бонда-25 решили перенесли из-за семейных обстоятельств Крейга. Режиссер Дэнни Бойл вздохнул свободнее, ведь эта небольшая задержка позволит ему спокойно закончить его проект о группе Биттлз. А пока Крейг приводит себя в форму в спортзале и позволяет себе маленькие мужские радости в виде стрижки и бритья в местном барбер-шопе в Нью-Йорке 26 апреля. Фото смотрим под катом


28.04.2018 - С Кэти в Риме, Италия



Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom in Rome to attend an event at the Vatican take a break and mix up with the tourists to visit the Colosseum. 28 Apr 2018 


26.04.2018 - Нью-Йорк


He's gearing up to welcome his first child with wife Rachel Weisz, 48. 

And it seems Daniel Craig was squeezing in a pampering session before the arrival of their little one as he was snapped enjoying a cut and shave at a New York barber shop on Thursday. 

The 50-year-old actor - who also has a daughter from a previous relationship - was no doubt making the most of his free time ahead of the birth. 

Ensuring he was 007 ready, Daniel cut a dapper figure in a brown suede jacket, which he layered atop of a simple white t-shirt.

He teamed the look with light-wash denim jeans and added to his casual ensemble with a brown scarf and grey baseball cap. 

The Hollywood hunk was later spotted sporting a head of wet hair as a barber primped and preened his blond locks. 

His outing comes after the movie star confirmed he'll be taking on the iconic role of Bond once more, but there are reports the release date of the next movie will be pushed back to take into account his wife Rachel Weisz's pregnancy.

If the film date is delayed, director Danny Boyle will have more time to complete his other movie, a Beatles-inspired film with writer Richard Curtis.

An insider told The Sun: 'Pushing back the schedules suits all parties.

'Daniel can concentrate on matters at home with Rachel, which are pretty life-changing, to say the least.

'And Danny can now afford to add the finishing touches to his latest project without the prospect of a clash with a monster project like James Bond.'

MailOnline has contacted representatives for Daniel, Rachel, Danny and Eon Productions. 

The couple announced last week that they are 'thrilled to have a little human' on the way.

Rachel told the New York Times: 'I'll be showing soon. Daniel and I are so happy. We're going to have a little human. We can't wait to meet him or her. It's all such a mystery.'

The London-born star already has an 11-year-old son called Henry with Hollywood director Darren Aronofsky, who she dated between 2001 and 2010. 

Meanwhile, Daniel has a 25-year-old daughter called Ella from his marriage to actress Fiona Loudon.  

The as-yet untitled 25th film in the hit Bond franchise was originally set to be released in 2019, and follows 2015's Spectre.

It will mean Daniel will have played Bond five times, although he is still behind Sir Sean Connery's six appearances and Sir Roger Moore's seven films.

He has confirmed that Bond 25 will be his last outing as the dashing Secret Secret agent.

The star kicked off his Bond career in 2006's Casino Royale, before appearing in Quantum of Solace in 2008. In 2012 he appeared in his third Bond movie Skyfall. 

Daniel Craig was spotted getting a shave and a haircut at a local barber shop in New York

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