
четверг, 15 августа 2013 г.

Случайные фото английских джентельменов: Д. Рэдклифф, Т. Хиддлстон, Б. Камбербэтч, Макс Айронс, Алекс Петтифер, Юэн МакГрегор, Николас Холт

В августовском номере журнала DuJour Макс Айронс рассуждает о преемственности поколений и о том, что ему вряд ли удастся чем-то поразить свою артистическую семью. Бенедикт Камбербэтч делится своими впечатлениями о первом в его жизни посещении Японии. Том Хиддлстон рассказывает о том, как он проходил кастинг у Стивена Спилберга и за что он ему благодарен. Николас Холт делится своими знаниями о художественном макияже, а вот Дэниел Рэдклифф поведал о том, что говорили ему его родители, когда приходилась подписывать контракт на очередную серию "Гарри Поттера". Юэн МакГрегор занимается благотворительностью под эгидой Организации Объединенных наций, а Алекс Петтифер на премьерном показе своего последнего фильма The Butler . Случайно заглядываем под кат, чтобы узнать больше 

DuJour magazine’s August 2013


Max Irons is a handsome stud while posing for a feature in DuJour magazine’s August 2013 issue, out on newsstands now!

Here’s what the 27-year-old English actor had to share:On why he might quit acting: “I was recently up for a large part in a franchise, a very well-established franchise, and I said, ‘I can’t do it.’ No matter how you spin it to me, it was a version of the two parts I played before [in Red Riding Hood and The Host]. I’m very grateful these films got my foot in the door, but if I do it again, I’ll want to quit acting.”

On his parent’s successes as actors: “I became an actor at 17, and whether or not I like to acknowledge it on a conscious level, my parents are very successful actors—there is no way around it. Which is difficult for a son because you want to impress your family and I’ve realized I never truly will. I’ll never amaze them.”

On his character in The White Queen: “He was cheeky and charming and dangerous, but he could get away with it.

Entertainment Weekly

New Hollywood: Entertainers On the Rise

Nicholas Hoult, 23
The charmingly gawky kid from About a Boy became the sly heartbreaker of the U.K. soap Skins, and has now graduated into an impressively grown-up career. Not only did he nab the role of Hank McCoy (a.k.a Beast) in X-Men: First Class and its forthcoming sequel, X-Men: Days of Future Past, but he also charmed us so thoroughly as a lovesick zombie in this winter's Warm Bodies that we we're willing to forget the March flop, Jack the Giant Slayer.

If I Knew Then...: ''The amount of time I was going to spend getting into make-up,'' says Hoult. ''I do a lot of jobs that involve make-up. The artists you work with are fantastic, and you have a good chat and chill out in the morning, but it's definitely something that I wasn't prepared for. Warm Bodies actually was only an hour and a half, but when I do X-Men, that's three and a half hours. I seem to keep on doing characters with a lot of eyeshadow.'' —Grady Smith

Entertainment Weekly

New Hollywood: Entertainers On the Rise

Tom Hiddleston, 32
The classically trained British actor is just as charismatic playing a grandiose villain like Thor and The Avengers' Loki as he is breathing life into erudite charmers like Midnight in Paris's F. Scott Fitzgerald or Capt. Nicholls in War Horse — or, for that matter, breaking Rachel Weisz's heart as a callous, opportunistic cad in The Deep Blue Sea.

Meeting the Master: ''The best decision I ever made was in my car on the 405 from Santa Monica to Universal City, where I was going to meet Steven Spielberg for the first time,'' says Hiddleston. ''He'd seen my audition tape for War Horse, and I remember feeling a little nervous. I actually said to myself out loud on the freeway, 'I dare you to be yourself.' I made a promise to tell him how much I loved his work in Indiana Jones and Saving Private Ryan and Jaws — and not to be frightened of seeming like a fan. Because I would never forgive myself if I pretended to be someone that I wasn't in an effort to impress him and then I didn't get the job. So I went into probably the biggest audition of my life preternaturally relaxed. And it worked!'' —Adam Markovitz

Entertainment Weekly

New Hollywood: Entertainers On the Rise

Benedict Cumberbatch, 37
The master sleuth of the BBC's Sherlock beamed into the sci-fi future with Star Trek Into Darkness this summer. His corked rage as Khan was by far the movie's strongest source of heat. The actor with the honeyed baritone is about to be everywhere this fall, with roles in The Fifth Estate, August: Osage County, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, and 12 Years a Slave.

Big on Japan: ''I love to travel, and with Trek we all went to Tokyo. That was my first time — and it was a hell of a helter skelter way to be introduced to it, to be sure — but I was blown away. We had this hotel and the view was as if someone had just projected against this backdrop the Ridley Scott director's cut version of Blade Runner with white lights and blinking red lights. It's shockingly stunning and modern and it has that really

Entertainment Weekly

New Hollywood: Entertainers On the Rise

Daniel Radcliffe, 24
He shrugged off the Harry Potter mantle (and his clothes) on stage in Equus and has been making daring choices ever since, including the gothic horror film The Woman in Black and playing Allen Ginsberg in this fall's Kill Your Darlings. Next up: The romantic lead in The F-Word (2014).

Still Wild About Harry: ''My mom and dad were quite anti-me acting before I got Harry Potter. Afterward they were very supportive, obviously, but they were always saying to me, 'If you're not enjoying it, you don't have to do it.' And after every film, when our contracts were to be renewed, they would say to me, 'Do you still want to do it?' Every time, my answer was, 'Absolutely, yes.' I just was having such a good time, you know? I can't imagine what life would have been like without it.'' —Sean Smith


Daniel Radcliffe leaving the Noel Coward Theatre - 12.08.2013


Daniel Radcliffe is greeted by a large crowd of fans as he heads out
 of his nightly theatre performance in London, 13.08.2013 



Rob Sharenow, Ewan McGregor, Jennifer Finnigan and Nick Willing attend Lifetime's "Baby Sellers" New York screening reception at the United Nations on August 12, 2013 in New York City



Alex Pettyfer is dapper while attending the premiere of his latest film The Butler held at Regal Cinemas L.A. Live on Monday (August 12) in Los Angeles.

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