
среда, 2 октября 2013 г.

Эдди Рэдмейн на съемках фильма "Теория всего" в Кембридже с профессором Стивеном Хокингом, 27 сентября 2013 года


Эдди Рэдмейн на съемочной площадке рядом с самым блестящим физиком нашего времени Стивеном Хокингом, по жизнеописанию которого снимается фильм "Теория всего". Эдди не чувствовал себя стесненным рядом с гением, они даже перекидывались шутками между дублями. Сцены снимались в Кембридже 27 сентября, где Хокинг (ему сейчас 71 год), учился и до сих пор проживает в качестве директора по исследованиям в Центре "Теоретической космологии" в рамках университета. Режиссер Джеймс Марш основное внимание будет уделять моментам в жизни Стивена, когда он встретил первую жену Джейн Уайлд. Она была другом детства, младшая сестра друга ученого Филиппа. Они вступили в отношения незадолго до того, как был поставлен страшный диагноз Стивену в возрасте 21 года - заболевание двигательных нейронов. Фелисити Джонс будет играть Джейн, которая вышла замуж за Стивена и родила ему троих детей, хотя, в то время врачи дали ему только два года жизни. 


Eddie Redmayne greets the famed physicist Stephen Hawking on the set of his new film Theory of Everything on Friday (September 27) in the Cambridge area of London, England

It was only a matter of time before an actor brought the life of Stephen Hawking played out on the big screen, and now in Theory Of Everything, Eddie Redmayne has that job.

But if playing one of the most brilliant physicists in the world wasn't pressure enough, Eddie, 31, had Stephen watching him film scenes in Cambridge, where Hawking, 71, studied and still resides as the Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the university.
But by the looks of things, Eddie's acting skills prevailed as the two were seen laughing together in between takes.

The film, directed by James Marsh, will focus on the point in Stephen's life when he met first wife Jane Wilde. She was a childhood friend of the scientist's younger sister Phillipa, and they embarked on a relationship shortly before he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, at the age of 21.
Felicity Jones of Chalet Girl and Like Crazy fame will play Jane, who married Stephen and had three children with between, even though at the time of his diagnosis, doctors only gave him two years to live. In her book Music to Move the Stars: A Life With Stephen, Jane talks about the warning she received against her getting romantically involved with Hawking.

'I replied that I would prefer not to know the details of the prognosis,' she writes, 'because I loved Stephen so much that nothing could deter me from wanting to marry him.

'I would cook and wash and shop and make a home for him, dismissing all my own previous ambitions which were now insignificant by comparison with the challenge before me.'
Jane's challenge was matched by her husband, who not only won numerous prizes of academia, in despite of the deterioration of his physical abilities, but ended up writing the international bestseller A Brief History Of Time which has sold over £10 million copies worldwide.

Sadly the two separated in the '90s, when Hawking left his wife for nurse Elaine Mason, but it is unlikely this story will feature in the motion picture.

Theory Of Everything is scheduled for a 2015 release.
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