
пятница, 4 октября 2013 г.

Случайные фото английских джентельменов: Генри Кавилл, Дуглас Бут, Дэниел Рэдклифф, Дэн Стивенс, Макс Айронс, Идрис Эльба и Джейми Кэмбелл-Бауэр


Случайно ли это? Куда ни бросишь свой взгляд, везде натыкаешься на английских джентельменов... думаю, что не случайно, ведь львиную долю в Голливуде занимают актеры-британцы. В нашей сегодняшней подборке будут: вечеринка Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Party с Дугласом Бутом и премьера фильма "Убей своих любимых" с Дэниелом Рэдклиффом в Нью-Йорке, фотопортреты с Джейми Кэмбелл-Бауэром и кастом фильма "Орудия смерти: Город костей", фотосет с Идрисом Эльбой для журнала GQ, съемки фильма "Человек из U.N.C.L.E." с Генри Кавиллом, фотоколл с Дэном Стивенсом на открытии нового сезона в Metropolitan Opera и фотографии со спектакля с Максом Айронсом. Случайно заглядываем под кат


На съемках фильма "Человек из U.N.C.L.E." в Лондоне
Henry Cavill In London on the set of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. 

На съемках фильма "Человек из U.N.C.L.E." в Наполи, Италия

Henry Cavill shows off his super muscular arms while filming a scene on a boat in the water for The Man from U.N.C.L.E. on Thursday (September 26) in Naples, Italy

На съемках фильма "Человек из U.N.C.L.E." в Риме, Италия

Armie Hammer, Henry Cavill
'The Man from U.N.C.L.E.' films in Rome on October 2, 2013.

Главные герои — сотрудники международной сети «U.N.C.L.E.« (United Network Command for Law and Enforcement) Наполеон Соло (Генри Кавилл) и Илья Курякин (Арми Хаммер), у которых нешуточная конфронтация с криминальной организацией »T.H.R.U.S.H.» (Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity) или по-простонародному — Дядьки против Дроздов.

Генри Кавилл в музее, Рим, Италия

Генри Кавилл в римском уличном ресторанчике

Henry Cavill goes sightseeing by himself in Rome on October 1, 2013. The actor is currently in town to film 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E.'


Премьера фильма "Убей своих любимых" в Нью-Йорке, 30.09.2013

Sony Pictures Classics' Co-President Tom Bernard, actors Dane DeHaan, Daniel Radcliffe, director John Krokidas and actress Erin Darke attend The Cinema Society and Johnston & Murphy screening of Sony Pictures Classics' "Kill Your Darlings" at Paris Theater on September 30, 2013 in New York City 

Dane DeHaan, Daniel Radcliffe, John Krokidas, Austin Bunn and Patrick Harrison attend The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences Hosts An Official Academy Member Screening Of Kill Your Darlings on October 1, 2013 in New York City. 

Дэниел Рэдклифф на передаче Марио Лопеза "'Extra' в Голливуде, 03.10.2013
Daniel Radcliffe seen on the set of 'Extra' at Universal Studios with Mario Lopez in Hollywood. (October 3, 2013)


Дуглас Бут на вечеринке Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Party, 27.09.2013

Hailee Steinfeld and actor Douglas Booth attend Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Party on September 27, 2013 in West Hollywood, California


Портреты для EW Comic Con 2013


Jamie Campbell Bower, Lily Collins y el cast de TMI: EW Comic Con 2013 Photoshoot Outtakes



Check out a few highlights from Mr. Elba's interview below. For more, be sure to visit GQ!

On his days selling drugs:
"Yeah, it was, because I was running with cats. I mean, I was DJ’ing, but I was also pushing bags of weed; I was doing my work. I had to. I know that sounds corny, but this is the truth. All those black comedians, they knew me as a doorman."

On his son:
"You know, the truth is—like, even admitting it, I’ll probably get laughed at for the rest of my life. But it is just tragic, and it happened. But I wasn’t knocked out. I stood right the f*** back up, and I ain’t aiming to take another punch in the face ever again. Do you understand what I’m saying? It happened to me. I moved on."

On his emotions on "Luther":
"Yeah. So 'Luther' came at a time where, you know, it was gaga therapy for me, man. Stupid. I was like, ‘I’m going in…’ And that is what I f****** did. I’ll tell you: I did that take, and I remember the room…Indira Varma, the beautiful Indian actress—beautiful girl… The crew were at this end of the room, all packed in. Indira was over there. And I fucking let go. Like, all kinds of shit happened in my head. I mean—blitz. f***** up this door, I mean f***** this fucking door up. The emotion was going so long after the fucking actual scene was ended that everyone sat in silence. Indira was in fucking tears; I was in tears."


Dan Stevens attends the Metropolitan Opera Season Opening Production Of "Eugene Onegin" at The Metropolitan Opera House on September 23, 2013 in New York City


Max Irons has already proved himself on telly, as the earnest Plantagenet King Edward IV in the BBC’s melodramatic blockbuster The White Queen.

Here, he proves himself on stage in quite a different role: that of a thoroughly modern spin doctor.
Deploying the posh good looks of Dad (Jeremy Irons) and the emotional subtlety of Mum (Sinead Cusack), he shows he’s got style and substance. And appearing in this fringey London venue will certainly win him street cred. So much for the man of the moment. The play is cracking, too: the basis of George Clooney’s 2011 film The Ides Of March. It’s about a cut-throat campaign manager for the American Democratic Party who’s king of all he surveys and precociously young.

His ‘flawless’ plans for winning in Iowa en route to the White House are derailed by fallout from a seemingly innocuous phone call.


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