
пятница, 8 ноября 2013 г.

Дэвид Ганди на Благотворительном Бале Battersea Dogs & Cats Home’s Collars & Coats Gala Ball , Лондон, 07.11.2013

Дэвид Ганди, как официальный представитель приюта "Battersea Dogs & Cats Home" с марта 2012 года, принял участие в Благотворительном Бале Battersea Dogs & Cats Home’s Collars & Coats Gala Ball , в Battersea Park в Лондоне 07 ноября 2013 года. Все гламурные собачьи наряды впоследствии будут выставлены на онлайн-аукцион. Собранные средства пойдут на поддержание едва ли не самого знаменитого в мире приюта для бездомных животных — "Battersea Dogs and Cats Home", который три года назад отметил свое 150-летие. Фото и видео с Бала смотрите под катом (дождитесь перевода интервью Дэвида Ганди)

Пол О'Грэйди и Аманда Холден вели Благотворительный Бал Battersea Dogs & Cats Home’s Collars & Coats Gala Ball – крупнейшее и самое гламурное мероприятие по сбору средств этого года. 

Прошлый год был полон модных развлечений, высокая мода и принаряженные хозяевами четвероногие друзья объединились, чтобы создать незабываемое "бывает в жизни только раз", и действительно потрясающий вечер для наших гостей. От торжественного приветствия на красной ковровой дорожке к уникальному показу самого лучшего из британской моды - это действительно был запоминающийся вечер. 

Collars & Coats Gala Ball (2012)

Теперь событие 2013 собирается стать больше и лучше, чем когда-либо прежде, поскольку мы приветствуем наших животных на главной сцене и создаем "Винтажное Голливудское" волшебство...

Collars & Coats Gala Ball (2013)





This evening David Gandy attended the 2013 Collars and Coats Gala Ball benefiting Battersea Dogs and Cats Home held at Evolution in Battersea Park.The event is hosted by Amanda Holden and  host of the British TV show For the Love of Dogs,  Paul O'Grady. The night's performances included The Rat Pack who recreated the sounds of legends Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. and opera stars, Passionata

Last night Best braved the cold weather (it's now officially Winter!) to catch up with the stars who were supporting Battersea Dogs And Cats Home at the annual Coats and Collars Gala Ball.

And we were left feeling a little hot under the collar when model David Gandy stopped to chat about taking in four-legged friends, working in LA and what it was like making the brand new M&S Christmas Ad.

Do you have your own dog?
No, I don't have my own dog - my schedule unfortunately won't allow it. But me and my family foster dogs. When the dogs aren't doing so well here at Battersea and need a little restbite we take them in for about 4-6 weeks until they're back on their feet and rejuvenated and then we find them a home.

Did you grow up around dogs?
Yes, I've always had them around me. I volunteered at a dog's centre when I was 15. I always wanted to be a vet, but my brain didn't want me to be a vet! So I've always wanted to do something to do with animals, so when it came to choosing my charities it was a no-brainer.

You've been in LA, what have you been doing?
Working unfortunately, modelling and a lot of meetings and ambassadorships. I'm working on some new brands out there.

You're in the M&S advert, have you ever bought anything from there?
I wear more M&S than anyone thinks. Their shirts and suits are great. People never believe my when I say I'm wearing M&S, I've had fashion experts open my jacket up and ask, "Have you sewn that label in there?"

How was it working with Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Helena Bonham-Carter?
We had a laugh, you can't not have a laugh - did you see what we were dressed in? It was fun and magical. Those sets were actually there, so it wasn't CGI. We were in a huge forest and a magic carpet so we had a great time.

Are you keen to move into acting?
It's not something I immediately want to do. I think some models naturally go in to it. We get sent scripts to look at, but at the moment I'm in LA and here for three days at a time so I don't really have time. If the right project came along it would be really fun to do, but it's not something I'm going to aspire to.
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