
понедельник, 25 ноября 2013 г.

Бенедикт Камбербэтч в Нью-Йорке, Джуд Лоу после репетиции у театра Noel Coward и вечерний релакс в Groucho Club в Лондоне, 22-23.11.2013


Как истинный англичанин, Бенедикт Камбербэтч садится в такси с газеткой, и не беда, что это не лондонская газета, а нью-йоркская. Солнечной погодой встречает его город Большого Яблока (Нью-Йорк23 ноября 2013 года. А на другом конце земли, его соотечественник Джуд Лоу пытается изменить стереотип у людей, которые воспринимают его как киноактера, и сыграть в спектакле. Толпа поклонников поджидала Лоу у театра Noel Coward 22 ноября в Лондоне после спектакля "Генрих V", чтобы взять у него автограф. Тяжела королевская корона и меч и надо бы как-то снять напряжение, и вот уже Джуд замечен выходящим из Groucho Club в утепленном пальто и в умиротворенном настроении.



Benedict Cumberbatch in NYC, November 23, 2013

ДЖУД ЛОУ В ЛОНДОНЕ, 22.11.2013

22.11.2013 - Автографы поклонникам у театра Noel Coward


22.11.2013 - Возле клуба "Groucho Club" в Лондоне

Jude Law keeps himself warm in a black coat while exiting Groucho Club on Friday (November 22) in London, England

As one of the world's prominent actors, Jude Law is used to being mobbed by fans.
And true to form, a mob were waiting to pounce on the 40-year-old star following his performance in Henry V at the Noel Coward Theatre on Friday evening. 

Jude, who plays the lead role of Henry V, looked slightly overwhelmed at first but slowly appeared at ease with the mob as he patiently signed autographs for his adoring fans.

Jude made sure to wrap up warm for the chilly London night, and was kitted out in a long black wool coat with a shearling collar, a pair of black trousers, black boots and what appeared to be a V-neck red T-shirt beneath all the layers. 

And it was a good idea that he did wrap up warm as it appeared he was out in the cold for quite a while whilst tickets, theatre programmes and pieces of paper were all held up for Jude to sign.

Talking to The Telegraph about his new role, Jude said: 'I’ve always been curious about changing direction and trying parts I’ve never tried before.

'As soon as I’ve felt I was getting shepherded into a corner, I’ve wanted to come out and show another side. In this industry, people can think you’re only suitable for one type. I’ve wanted to show that they were wrong.'

After Jude signed all the autographs and took photos with the fans, he decided to celebrate his success with a night at the Groucho Club in Soho. 

Jude was seen leaving the club dressed in the same gear as when he left the theatre on St.Martin's Lane, looking particularly pleased with himself.

The Talented Mr. Ripley actor has been working non-stop recently with his popular new film Dom Hemingway out, rehearsing for Henry V and plans for Sherlock Holmes 3 already in the works.
He told Digital Spy: 'We had a meeting earlier this year, the three of us, and I think it's being written now.'
The film hasn't officially been confirmed as yet, but the 40-year-old hunk is optimistic that Warner Bros. - who produced the last two films - are keen to green light a third film.

He added: 'Warner Bros. have still got to agree to pay for it... I think they want to!'
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