
понедельник, 9 декабря 2013 г.

Джеймс МакЭвой победил в номинации "Лучший британский актер" на Moet British Independent Film Awards 2013 в Лондоне, 08.12.2013

Вчера, 08 декабря 2013 года, в Лондоне прошла церемония награждения премиями Британского Независимого Кино (British Independent Film Awards 2013) под эгидой торговой марки Moet. Поздравляем Джеймса Макэвоя, который победил в номинации  "Лучший британский актер", опередив Тома Харди и Стива Кугана. Джеймс не смог сдержать слез на сцене и скрыть свое волнение, когда принимал приз за роль Брюса 'Robbo' Робертсона в фильме "Грязь" (Filth). "Это, как если бы Шотландия выиграла чемпионат мира по футболу," - сказал актер со сцены. В церемонии принимали участие Дуглас Бут, Том Харди, Идрис Эльба и другие британские актеры. Фото с красной дорожки, фотоколла, фото со сцены и видео интервью Джеймса МакЭвоя смотрим под катом


James McAvoy Interview - British Independent Film Awards 2013

Stefan Pape spoke to actor James McAvoy at the British Independent Film Awards 2013. He won the award for best Actor for his role in Filth.


Emotional: James McAvoy cries as he receives the award for Best Actor at the
 Moet British Independent Film Awards at Old Billingsgate Market on Sunday

Proud: James raised the trophy in the air after making his speech

Impressive: James, who looked dapper in a Burberry suit, won the award for his role in Filth,
 which sees him play a nasty character


Congrats: Hayley Atwell, James McAvoy with the Best Actor Award and Lesley Manville 
pose up for picture

Leading man: James beat off rivals Tom Hardy and Steeve Coogan to win the award


Actor James McAvoy arrives on the red carpet for the Moet British Independent Film Awards at Old Billingsgate Market on December 8, 2013 in London, England


'It's like Scotland's won the World Cup': James McAvoy can't hold back the tears as he's awarded Best Actor at British Independent Film Awards

He played a homophobic, racist, sexist police officer in a role that saw him pile on a few pounds to look permanently hung over. But despite the fact such a character sounds hard to like, the part in the film adaptation of Irvine Welsh's novel, Filth, scooped James McAvoy the best actor gong at the British Independent Film Awards (BIFA) on Sunday evening, as he and his fellow Scots swept the board.

Glasgow-born McAvoy, 34, couldn't hide his emotion as he took the coveted prize for his role as Bruce 'Robbo' Robertson, beating rivals Tom Hardy and Steeve Coogan, saying: 'It's like Scotland's won the World Cup.'

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