
суббота, 25 января 2014 г.

Бен Барнс на съемках нового фильма в Огдене, штат Юта, Джейми Дорнан возвращается в отель в Ванкувере, Канада, 22-24.01.2014


( + НОВЫЕ ФОТО ДЖЕЙМИ И БЕНА) После напряженного трудового дня, Джейми Дорнан возвратился в отель Vancouver в канадском Ванкувере 24 января 2014 года. Вот только так и приходится ходить ирландскому актеру, с группой защиты-поддержки, иначе не было бы отбоя от любопытствующих уличных фотографов. Ажиотаж вокруг фильма "50 оттенков серого" не утихает, даже не спасает тихий и мирный городок. Бен Барнс приступил к съемкам нового фильма "Your Rigth Mind" в городке Огден, штат Юта. Вместе с ним снимается Кэтрин Хэйгл. После "Знает только Бог" для Бена это будет еще одна кино-драма, которая выйдет в 2015 году. Бен сыграет музыканта, который пытается добиться славы, а Кэтрин - мать-одиночку, которая борется за опеку над дочерью. Эти двое встречаются и объединяются для борьбы с обстоятельствами. Возможно, эти отношения и смогут изменить жизни друг друга навсегда.


 Jamie Dornan arriving at Hotel Vancouver


On Set In Ogden, Utah | January 25, 2014

Jan 24, 2014 | At A Cafe In Ogden, Utah

On Set In Ogden, Utah | January 23, 2014


On Set In Ogden, Utah | January 22, 2014

A modern day train hopper fighting to be a successful musician and a single mom battling to maintain custody of her daughter defy their circumstances by coming together in a relationship that may change each others lives forever.

Ogden's natural, historic beauty draws film crew, stars Heigl and Barnes

OGDEN -- Even though the Sundance Film Festival is wrapping up its final days in Park City this year, you may still spot celebrities without even leaving Ogden. A bit of Hollywood descended on Historic 25th Street on Thursday to film the motion picture "Your Right Mind," starring Katherine Heigl from "Ugly Truth" and Ben Barnes from "Chronicles of Narnia."

The romantic movie plot centers around Barnes, a vagabond and train hopper who comes into town and meets Heigl's character, who leads a complex life as a single mother. Barnes, however, views life through a simple lens, and Heigl's character is attracted to the balance his personality provides. Romance ensues.

Grounds for Coffee barista Jacalyn Jayne Lewler said she was excited to come to work early Thursday morning and take in the scene.

"I came in (to work), and the street was full of people, and there were cameras and equipment everywhere, and there were extras just crammed in the (coffee) shop," she said. "Everybody was happy and having a good time."

She even got the chance to serve a celebrity a cup of joe.

"I served coffee to Prince Caspian from one of the (Chronicles of) Narnia movies this morning," Lewler said of serving Barnes.

Lewler has had a chance to be a movie extra and said it was fun to be on the other side of the lens and see behind the scenes of a film going on right in front of her. It has been a common occurrence for her since being in Utah.

"I just moved to Ogden two months ago, and this is the third filming event I have seen right on 25th Street since I have been here."

David Wulf, of Salt Lake City, is line producer for the film and said many places were scouted as venues for filming parts of the movie, but Ogden and Historic 25th Street had all the right things to sway them.

"There is a lot of natural production value," Wulf said. "It's just a really nice place."

Crews just started filming in Utah and will continue for about 20 days. For eight of those days, they will be in Ogden, mostly along Historic 25th, shooting in places like a coffee shop, a pawn shop and an antique store.

This weekend, crews will be filming inside Union Station, at Historic 25th and Wall Avenue. Film crews had originally scouted Salt Lake City locations for the required scenes, but the historic nature and look of Ogden's venue ultimately changed their minds.

"There were a couple places in Salt Lake that we looked at, but we felt like Ogden's Union Station had so much character and history, and it was the right size," Wulf said.

He estimates the film won't be released until roughly winter 2015 at the earliest. One Ogden business owner got a chance to have her business be part of the movie.

The Highland Group, the production company for the film, approached Tami Crowley, owner of Crowley Gallery, and asked to take her vinyl signs off her windows and put up their own signs and props in her window front. She gladly agreed.

"It is exciting because it gets Ogden more on the map. I think it is good for the local economy," Crowley said while standing in her antique shop on Historic 25th.

In the movie, the exterior of her building is instead portrayed as a music store.

"Our scene is the outside (view) of a musical store, and I've heard the actual inside of the musical store is one in Salt Lake," Crowley said. "I thought that was pretty exciting that they chose the uniqueness of our historic building to be the outside (view)."

Businesses and the street will still be open, but the street or a store may be intermittently blocked off for temporary filming.

"We are still open," Crowley said. "Don't be afraid to come in. Who knows -- you might run into somebody."
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