
воскресенье, 23 февраля 2014 г.

Съемки фильма "50 оттенков серого" (Fifty Shades of Grey) завершились: Джейми Дорнан с семьей покидает Ванкувер, 22.02.2014

Съемки фильма "50 оттенков серого" (Fifty Shades of Grey) в канадском Ванкувере завершились! Теперь нам остается ждать уже официальных трейлеров, постеров, промо-фото и фичуреток. Джейми Дорнан, его жена  Амелия Уорнер и их новорожденная девочка, которая появилась на свет в конце ноября, были замечены в аэропорту города, покидающими гостеприимную Канаду 22 февраля 2014 года. Джейми возвращается в Великобританию, там его ждут на Graham Norton Show, а потом он сразу же приступает к съемкам 2 сезона сериала "Крах" с Джиллиан Андерсен, в котором Джейми играет серийного убийцу. 

22.02.2014 - Вылет из аэропорта Ванкувера



He's been working hard on the movie adaptation of Fifty Shades Of Grey for the past three months. But on Saturday, Jamie Dornan bid farewell to his adopted home of Vancouver, Canada, as he jetted back to the UK after wrapping on the film. Jamie was joined by his wife Amelia Warner and their baby daughter as he made his way through the airport to catch the flight - signing autographs on the way.

The 31-year-old looked casual for the flight in dark wash jeans, a navy jacket and white trainers, while Amelia also opted for a similarly dressed-down jetsetting outfit. Carrying her little girl strapped to her chest, Amelia also wore a checked blue and red scarf to prevent prying eyes from catching sight of the couple's bundle of joy. Amelia flew out to Canada with the pair's daughter to support Jamie as he completed work on the project - an adaptation of E.L. James' world-famous book. But despite the movie having wrapped, Jamie's schedule won't get any easier.

After a brief pit stop in London to shoot an interview on The Graham Norton Show, Jamie will be heading out to Belfast, where he will film the second series of hit crime drama The Fall alongside Gillian Anderson. The long-awaited return of the show is almost as highly-anticipated as Fifty Shades... but not quite. Earlier this week, Oprah Winfrey spoke about her excitement about the movie, admitting she is hoping it doesn't hold back when it comes to the sex scenes. She said: 'I've read the book and I just hope the movie is filthier than the book. Less talking, more action!'

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