
понедельник, 3 февраля 2014 г.

"Помпеии" ( Pompeii ): Рекламный ТВ ролик "Судьба" / TV Spot "Destiny" [HD] с Китом Харингтоном + кадры из фильма

Кто бы что не говорил, но Судьба существует. Если тебе суждено, то ты будешь рабом-гладиатором и влюбишься в богатую патрицианку. Если кому-то суждено, то они или будут жить долго и счастливо или умрут в один день. Если суждено, то вы будете жить в эпоху перемен или попадете в эпицентр вселенской катастрофы прямо в Помпеях. На экраны вышел рекламный ТВ ролик "Судьба" ( TV Spot "Destiny") с участием Кита Харингтона, Эмили Браунинг, Кифера Сазерленда, Кэрри-Энн Мосс, Паз Вега, Джареда Харриса, Адевале Акинойе-Агбаже. Видео-ролик, скринкапсы к нему и кадры из фильма смотрим под катом


It's late summer in 79 A.D. and the city of Pompeii glitters at the foot of the mighty Mt. Vesuvius. MILO, the slave of a shipping tycoon, dreams of the day he will buy his freedom and marry his master's daughter, COLUMBA. What he doesn't know is that Columba's debt-ridden father has promised Columba to a despicable Roman Senator to pay off an overdue loan.

Milo does know that his friend, the Gladiator NIGELLUS, is being forced to compete the next day in a seemingly unwinnable battle in the Coliseum. As Milo tries to find a way to save his friend, he learns that Columba has been promised to another man and that he himself has been sold to a new master. Just as it seems things can't get any worse, Mt. Vesuvius suddenly explodes with the power of 40 nuclear bombs, sending a torrent of 1,000-degree ash and smoke into the city. Lava flows down the mountainside, killing thousands. As Pompeii crumbles, Nigellus is imprisoned inside the Coliseum, Columba is locked inside her family's villa, and Milo is trapped aboard a ship bound for Naples.

As the people of Pompeii flee the obliterated city, Milo is determined to return to it to save his friend and his beloved Columba. With fire and ash destroying the only world he's ever known, an ordinary man is tested to his breaking point in this heartpounding tale of extraordinary heroism.



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