
среда, 30 апреля 2014 г.

Клуб джентельменов: Бенедикт Камбербэтч и Дэвид Ганди на открытии нового ресторана "City Social", Лондон, 29.04.2014


Открытие нового ресторана в Лондоне всегда напоминает собрание настоящих гурманов, ценящих искусство шеф-повара. 29 апреля 2014 года на 24 этаже здания Tower 42  состоялось открытие нового заведения от шеф-повара Джейсона Атертона "City Social", которое больше напоминало Клуб джентельменов. Дэвид Ганди, Бенедикт Камбербэтч, сам виновник торжества и многие другие знаменитости наслаждались напитками и общением. Бенедикт был в щеголеватом темно-синем костюме, а Ганди предпочел смешанный стиль - джинсы и серый пиджак. Надеемся, что вид с 24 этажа на центр Лондона и небоскреб-огурец (neighbouring Gherkin) дополнил изыски кухни и напитков.




David Gandy, Joe Ottaway; Melissa Odabash 

David Gandy, Benedict Cumberbatch and Jason Atherton

Benedict Cumberbatch,  David Gandy attends the launch of chef Jason Atherton's new restaurant 'City Social' at Tower 42 on April 29, 2014 in London, England

Gentlemen's club: Benedict Cumberbatch  looked dapper in blue suit as he joins David Gandy at launch of City Social

The opening of a new London restaurant is always a big draw for celebrity foodies.
However, it looks like the launch of new eaterie City Social was a bit of boys' club with several handsome famous males in attendance.
Sherlock Holmes actor Benedict Cumberbatch looked dapper in a dark blue suit as he attended the launch party for the City of London's latest venue to break bread.

The 37-year-old actor joined chef Jason Atherton for a special preview ahead of the restaurant's official opening on May 1.
Also in attendance was model David Gandy, who was as smart as ever in a 
City Social is located on the 24th floor of Tower 42 - the former Natwest building - in the heart of the City of London.

The eaterie will have stunning views across the capital and of the neighbouring Gherkin, while the food will be overseen by head chef, Paul Walsh, formerly of Royal Hospital Road.
There was no sign of Benedict's actor pal Tom Hiddlestone, who recently declared the pair were having a 'bromance'.
The pair are firm friends having starred alongside each other in 2010 film War Horse and are regularly out together on the London and Hollywood social scenes.

Tom told the Star recently: 'He's one of my best friends. It's as simple as that.'
Meanwhile, Benedict is expected to begin rehearsals soon for the new London theatre production of Hamlet.
The actor is set to play the disturbed Dane in the Barbican production of the William Shakespeare tragedy.
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