
понедельник, 2 июня 2014 г.

Орландо Блум и Чарли Ханнэм на вручении премии 2014 Huading Film Awards в Лос-Анджелесе, 01.06.2014


( + ФОТО) Если учесть, что китайцев на Земле больше миллиарда, то премия  Huading Film Awards самая большая по количеству голосовавших за номинантов этого года. Впервые Китай решил провести церемонию награждения в Голливуде. Инициатором этой идеи и организаторами стали Люси Лю и телеведущая из Понебесной Оливия Сюй. Орландо Блум в своем шикарном смокинге на сцене кинотеатра Ricardo Montalban в Лос-Анджелесе представлял и награждал одного из победителей. Но мы хотим поздравить от всей души Чарли Ханнэма, который получил статуэтку и желтый шарф победителя в номинации "Лучший актер года в международных проектах". Так же отличились Холли Берри (икона стиля), Джереми Реннер, Зои Салдана ( лучшая актриса и актер второго плана). 




Orlando Bloom looks like a million bucks in his tuxedo at the 2014 Huading Film Awards on Sunday (June 1) held at the Ricardo Montalban Theatre in Los Angeles.

The 37-year-old actor was joined on the red carpet by fellow super hunky actor Charlie Hunnam, who will be receiving the Best Global Emerging Actor at the ceremony tonight.




Actor Charlie Hunnam poses with the award for Best Global Emerging Actor in the press room during the Huading Film Awards on June 1, 2014 at Ricardo Montalban Theatre in Los Angeles, California. Huading Film Awards is China's #1 Film awards, in the U.S. for the first time.

China's Huading Film Awards hit Los Angeles and brought out two of Hollywood's hottest hunks.
And Orlando Bloom and Charlie Hunnam did their best to ramp up the eye candy on the red carpet at the international event. The 37-year-old Australian was suave in a chic midnight blue tuxedo as the Sons Of Anarchy star received the Best Global Emerging Actor award at the Ricardo Montalban Theatre in Hollywood on Sunday.

Orlando added a hipster flair to his formal ensemble by rocking a slim fitting tux which appeared navy blue at times and all black at others. He had his brown wavy hair casually combed back as he posed elegantly with his hands in his pockets for photographers. Meanwhile Charlie, 34, kept it simple in a standard black suit with his blonde hair slicked back and sporting facial scruff similar to his character on the FX series.

This is the first time that China held its Hauding Film Awards in Hollywood. The ceremony honors global celebrities and was co-hosted by Lucy Liu and Chinese television personality Olivia Xu. Other awards given out included the Global Icon Award to Halle Berry, Jeremy Renner for Best Supporting Actor and Zoe Saldana for Best Supporting Actress. The awards are decided by the Chinese public who vote in categories such as Movie Of The Year, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, Director and Lifetime Achievement Award.
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