
вторник, 19 августа 2014 г.

Эмма Стоун и Хоакин Феникс в Ньюпорте на съемках у Вуди Аллена, Том Харди снимается в последних эпизодах Лондоне, 14-16.08.2014


Мы так до сих пор и не знаем, какое новое творение Вуди Аллена снимается в Нью-Йорке. 14 августа 2014 года Эмма Стоун и Хоакин Феникс снова были застигнуты папарацци на съемочной площадке в Ньюпорте, Нью-Йорк. Том Харди закончил сниматься в байопике о братьях-близнецах Рони и Реджи Крей - легендах ганстерского мира. Съемки фильма "Легенды" (Legend) шли 53 дня в лондонском Ист-Энде и большую часть этого процесса мы с вами наблюдали. 15-16 августа были заключительными днями для Тома Харди, Эмили Браунинг, режиссера Брайана Хелгеленда. Кстати, на канском кинофестивале дистрибьюторы пришли в ажиотаж от фильма "Легенды", оценив по достоинству сценарий. Так что ждем 2015 год, когда фильм появится в кинотеатрах мира. 


14.08.2014 - Съемки безымянного проекта Вуди Аллена в Провиденсе

Emma Stone and Joaquin Phoenix walk and share a laugh on the way to their trailers on the set of Woody Allen’s latest project in Newport, Rhode Island on August 14, 2014


15-16.08.2014 - Заключительные съемки фильма "Легенды" в Лондоне



Съемки на Кенгсинктонском кладбище






Tom Hardy on the set for 'Legend' where he plays both Kray brothers in this scene he is Reggie Kray in the funeral of his wife that committed suicide scenes were shot in Kingston Cemetery 






Джейкоб Томури (дублёр), Том Харди, Пол Андерсон, "Легенда".


Making a spectacle of himself: Tom Hardy is almost unrecognisable as Ronnie Kray in final scenes for upcoming film Legend

He is considered one of the most handsome actors in the industry. But Tom Hardy was almost unrecognisable when he transformed into Ronnie Kray for the final scenes of Legend, the forthcoming biopic about the East End gangsters. The 36-year-old actor, who played Bane in Batman film The Dark Knight Rises, looked menacing and sinister as a sharp-suited villain.

Sporting thick-framed glasses and slicked-back hair, he was a convincing sixties hard-man. For added authenticity, he puffed on a cigar as he carried a gun with conviction. After weeks of portraying both Kray twins - 53 days in total - Hardy was finally filming the final scenes in London's East End. As filming wrapped he was seen walking to his car with the clapper board as a keepsake from filming.

Legend is adapted from a screenplay penned by LA Confidential writer Brian Helgeland, the story will focus on the Kray twins’ illegal dealings during the fifties and sixties. As heads of the notorious criminal gang The Firm, the Krays were behind numerous armed robberies, murders, arson attacks and protection rackets up until their arrest on May 9, 1968. Their story was previously told on film in the 1990s, with real life brothers Martin and Gary Kemp playing the titular roles. Legend generated a buzz at Cannes, with potential buyers claiming Brian Hegleland's screenplay was 'one of the best scripts' they'd come across. The hotly-anticipated biopic is expected to hit cinemas in 2015.

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