
воскресенье, 21 сентября 2014 г.

"Он оглянулся посмотреть..." : Колин Фаррелл в Лос-Анджелесе, или "мама лучше знает", куда надо смотреть, 17-19.09.2014


Мы не знаем, так ли это было, как поется в этой песенке "Он оглянулся посмотреть, не оглянулась ли она, чтоб посмотреть, не оглянулся ли он... " но таблоиды уже вывели из этой истории целую ИСТ О/Е РИЮ. А девушка спортивной внешности просто прошла мимо Колина Фаррелла после занятий в спортзале 17 сентября в Лос-Анджелесе. Все, для нас история закончена :) Зато к Колину приехала мама Рита из Ирландии, повидать внучат и знаменитого сына. 19 сентября папарацци видели их в Западном Голливуде, мирно прогуливающихся по улицам и отобедавшим в одном из ресторанчиков. Фаррелл - младший из четырех детей и самый, видимо, любимый. За него больше всего переживает мама Рита, хотя, он уже остепенился, не пьет, не курит (сами знаете что), не употребляет (сами знаете что), осталась только одна плохая привычка - он до сих пор любит вредную пищу из фастфудов. По-этому, спортзал, йога, ритуал постоянного посещения занятий в группе по 40 человек, чтобы справиться с самим собой. Голливудский "дикарь" Фаррелл теперь знает куда смотреть и где его дорога к успеху. 


17.09.2014 - Лос-Анджелес

Colin Farrell only has eyes for an attractive blonde in Los Angeles on Wednesday (17.09.2014) evening 

Irish eyes! Former wildman Colin Farrell checks out an attractive blonde after dining out at local burger bar 

He’s always had an eye for the ladies, and Wednesday evening proved to be no exception for former wild-man Colin Farrell. The 38-year-old actor was leaving a local Burger Lounge restaurant when he passed by an attractive blonde while approaching his car. Farrell looked vaguely pleased with the sight of her trim, athletic physique as he ventured across the street, car keys in hand.

The Irish actor has been looking increasingly toned of late following frequent visits to the gym, and he appeared to be ready for another workout in a casual vest top and shorts.

But while he enjoys keeping fit, he admits he still struggles to ignore his cravings for junk food.
In March, the Saving Mr. Banks star told Tatler Man magazine about how he sometimes strays away from his healthy diet.

'Just because I don't drink doesn't mean I live in extremes,' confessed Farrell. 'I love bad food.'
The Ireland native even went on a fast food binge in 2012 when he went on a cross country road trip exploring the best junk food haunts. He told then Tonight Show host Jay Leno, 'I rented a car in Georgia and we drove across the States, basically looking up on the iPhone where the next site we were going to hit was. 'I gained about 15 pounds in 11 days... by the end of it, I had a belly button like a compact disc. It was unbelievable.'

The former bad boy, who went to rehab in 2005, has said that he regularly attends yoga classes because they satisfy the same need for 'ritual' he used to get from doing drugs. 'I love ritual and that was one of the things I loved about drugs — the ritual,' he told Trinity College in 2012. 'They were terrible for me personally, emotionally, physically, but I loved the rituals. Now with yoga, there’s a massive ritual even going into a yoga class with 40 people.'

19.09.2014 - С мамой в Западном Голливуде

Colin Farrell enjoys a day of shopping with his mother Rita on September 19, 2014 in West Hollywood, California


Mamma's boy! Colin Farrell plays doting son role as he takes his mother Rita to lunch in West Hollywood

He's highly regarded as one of Hollywood's biggest lotharios. But Colin Farrell showed his softer side when he spent Friday afternoon with his mother Rita. Taking in the glorious sunshine in West Hollywood, the 38-year-old played the role of the doting son perfectly as he linked arms with his mother as they headed to lunch.

Making their way to the eatery, Rita appeared to lead the conversation as Farrell listened attentively.

Inside the venue as they waited to be seated, the actor draped his arm over his mother's shoulder as she wrapped her's around his waist. Once at their table, the pair continued chatting away as they waited for their food to arrive.

Dressed casual for the afternoon with her son, Rita wore a striped jacket with a black top and three quarter length trousers. Rita, who married Basic Instinct 2 producer Joel B Michaels last year, completed her outfit with a pair of pastel green shoes and a leather handbag. Fitting the role of Hollywood hunk, Colin went incognito under a khaki cap as he donned a leather jacket with a T-shirt, grey fitted jeans and leather boots. 

Speaking about his love for food, Colin told Tatler Man magazine back in March about how he sometimes strays away from his healthy diet. 'Just because I don't drink doesn't mean I live in extremes,' confessed Farrell. He added: 'I love bad food. I love cheeseburgers.' 

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