
вторник, 9 сентября 2014 г.

Том Хиддлстон на музыкальном фестивале Wheatland Music Festival в Ремусе, штат Мичиган, 6-7.09.2014

"Полное погружение" - так называется состояние актера, который вживается в свой персонаж, начинает жить его жизнью, чтобы максимально прочувствовать роль. Такое состояние сейчас испытывает и Том Хиддлстон. В октябре месяце в Луизиане начинаются съемки байопика "I Saw The Light" о кантри-исполнителе фол-музыки Хэнке Уильямсе, который умер в 29 лет. В прошлые выходные Том посетил музыкальный фестиваль Wheatland Music Festival в Ремусе, штат Мичиган, в плане исследования для своей роли. В субботу 06 сентября, один из обладателей Грэмми Родни Кроу так представил Тома публике: "Большинство из вас знают его как Локи." - намекая на фильм "Тор" и "Мстители". Другой обладатель Грэмми - Сара Ярош вместе с Томом сыграли и спели несколько песен из репертуара Хэнка Уильямса, самого любимого и трагического певца в стиле кантри. Итак, вы уже видели как танцует Том, теперь вы услышите, кон он играет на гитаре и поет кантри. Смотрим и слушаем Хиддлстона под катом





From left to right, musicians Rodney Crowell and Sarah Jarosz and actor Tom Hiddleston pose for a photograph for a fan Saturday afternoon at the Wheatland Music Festival. Hiddleston was at the festival in Remus to do research for his upcoming film “I Saw The Light,” a biopic of the life of country music singer Hank Williams. — Daily News/Elisabeth Waldon


Actor Tom Hiddleston thrills audience with performance at Wheatland Music Festival

REMUS — Loki can sing.

Those who attended this weekend’s annual Wheatland Music Festival received an unexpected treat when British actor Tom Hiddleston made two surprise onstage appearances to sing songs by one of music’s most beloved and tragic figures.

Hiddleston has the lead role in an upcoming movie about the life of country singer Hank Williams, who died at age 29. Hiddleston was in attendance at the Wheatland festival in Remus this weekend as part of his research for the film.

“I Saw The Light” is being directed by Marc Abraham, who directed “Flash Of Genius,” a biographical film about a man’s legal battle against Ford Motor Co. The Hank Williams movie is based on a 1994 biography and is set to begin filming in Louisiana in October.

On Saturday afternoon, Hiddleston joined Grammy-award winner Rodney Crowell and Grammy-nominated Sarah Jarosz on stage to sing a cover of one of Williams’ most well-known songs, “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.”

“Most of you will know him as Loki,” Crowell joked with the audience, referring to Hiddleston’s role in “Thor” and “The Avengers.”

Hiddleston performed the song with simple grace and shyly smiled as welcoming audience applauded. He stuck around after the show for autographs and photos with fans and returned to the stage later on Saturday night to sing “Move It On Over,” another Williams’ classic. This time he played guitar too.

Crowell and Jarosz delighted the Wheatland audience as well, with their Saturday afternoon under-the-tent performance. The two traded songs and jokes in an intimate setting in front of an appreciative crowed.

Crowell played guitar and sang for Emmylou Harris’ Hot Band for several years. He won a Grammy in 1990 for his country song “After All This Time,” as well as another Grammy this year for his Americana album “Old Yellow Moon” which he recorded with Harris.

Jarosz is an up-and-coming singer/songwriter who boasts a voice as clear as a bell and a talent for thoughtful songwriting and guitar picking.
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